Problem Solving

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Pyramid Framework

1. Define the problem
Use SCQ framework to determine your key question (Situation - Complication - Question):
1) Situation
Understand the context in the bigger picture
Identify the stakeholders and their motives (Workbook about stakeholders can be found in the Strategic Management)

Write down your situation:

2) Complication
Find the gap between the current and idealsituation for each stakeholders

Write down you complication:

3) Key Question
Make SMART key questions

Write down your Key Questions:

2. Structure your pyramid
Make hyphoteses to expand or deepen your pyramid to make issue, list all you possible hypoteses and make sure they are not overlapping with one another. From issue, make it into sub-issue and be MECE in every level.
Put your own pyramid here(you can draw manually and put your picture here or make it here with your own style):

3. Prioritize
Understand the Pareto Rule (80:20 rule) → 20% effort and 80% result
Analysis impact vs ease for each issue or each sub-issue

Now, make sure you prioritize each issue and sub-issue by using the pareto rule and the analusis impact vs ease. Write down your process and your result here (you can use the impact vs ease template if you want or you can make it your own on other software and put the result here):

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