How To Manage Team and Execute Your Project

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Output and Outcome

To see if people really gain new information after attending your project, then you need monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring and evaluation helps you to make sure that what you do makes the right outcome and have the right impact for the environment.
What is Monitoring and Evaluation?
Monitoring is the process of taking down data. Performance monitoring involves the tracking of project outputs and outcomes as indicators of project effectiveness, or the extent to which the project achieves its stated objectives.
Evaluation is using the data you have got to make sure everything is going right. Project evaluations can produce useful findings on project operations, and if designed and timed appropriately, can be used to guide management decision-making.
You need some measurements to let you understand the quality and quantity of your project by providing an initial assessment of what you want. To ensure the success, you need to determine your intended output and outcome of the project.
Outputs are those results which are achieved immediately after implementing an activity. Outcomes can be considered as mid-term results. They are not seen immediately after the end of the project activity. But after some time, when we see some change at the ground level because of the project activity, then it can be termed as an outcome. Outcome and impact are almost the same , but impact is more the long term result. But in this workbook, we considered outcome and impact are the same.

Providing books, place for study
Children in rural area gain more information and knowledge
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On this step, we assume that you have already had plans on whether your project will be held by online or offline. Here, there will be 2 tables for the output and outcome to either online and offline project. yYu can fill only one table if you are sure which project will be held, but you can fill both tables if you have not sure which project would most likely to be held.

Output and Impact for the offline project:
Providing books, place for study
Children in rural area gain more information and knowledge
There are no rows in this table
Output and Impact for the online project:
Providing books, place for study
Children in rural area gain more information and knowledge
There are no rows in this table

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