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Queries regarding the library

Why has Business Design Lab created this library?

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This Library is a passion project of an academician from the BDL team (we’ll hold onto the name for now). And through this library we are trying to connect with people who enjoy their work, enjoy experimenting and find thrill in with the meaningful engagements which happen while collaborating.

What is the difference between a Library member and a Non-member?

The Library is a vast pool of resources - from casual reading articles to live strategies for Business growth, from business humor comics to Design thinking methods and action learning tools / templates. When you become a member, you can access all the resources which have been slowly created over 25yrs. They are well-researched, for genuine learning and created for Business success.

Is the membership paid?

It may or may not be. So far we’ve been unable to put a currency value to the library membership. We blame it on our experience of walking into libraries, spending hours there and walking out feeling on top of the world. If you’ve experienced a library like we have, you too would struggle to put a value to it. But we’re working on it. For now, we can working on a unique arrangement with you for the membership - it can be paid, can be a contribution or not.

How do I to become a Member?

You can click on the button below and fill our 2-minute membership form. Through the form you can request access for yourself, your team or refer someone for library membership.

What happens after I fill the form?

We will get in touch with you and see how can this collaboration can work out.

In a way, you’re giving away your resources for free. Aren’t you worried someone will just pick them up and claim them as their own?

To be honest, we are. But will there ever be a time this won’t be a concern? Unlikely 🙂

Can I contribute to the Library resources?

Yes, absolutely! and we’d love that. Please connect with us and let’s see how we can take this forward.

What if I want access to a specific resource and not the whole library?

Just let us know which is the resource you’re interested in. And we’ll work something out.
🙋 (from the last bench in the room) - Did Albert Einstein really say that, what you’ve mentioned as a quote on the main library pg?
Well it seems like something he might have said...right!? 😁

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