Member States Overview

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Position Overview

Work in progress - Page will be updated during breaks. If you would like your delegation information to be updated please reach out to the Delegation of Portugal.
This page contains snippets from the Member States’ position paper submitted prior to the conference. This page will be updated following every committee session to factor in the Delegate’s perspective.


Key Points:
Argentina assures its position as an advocate of the peaceful use of outer space, as well as a leader in the development of domestic space programs for nations around the world.
The Outer Space Treaty was signed in 1967, through which the general legal basis for the peaceful uses of outer space were established. However, this treaty lacks imperative positions that resolutions A/RES/55/122 about International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and A/RES/59/115 on the topic of what does it mean to be a “launching State” have addressed.
To avoid making outer space a combat zone, Argentina will promote the following scopes: (i) regulations to the technology that is being settled on space, (ii) environmental guidelines to avoid the spread of more space debris, and (iii) a rigorous tracking on the production of space technologies.


Key Points:
Primarily focus efforts and put forward interest in space technology while safeguarding sovereign interest in the rise of modern day weaponization by powerful countries
A distinguished power discrepancy exists due to the abysmal military strength difference.
Possible beginning of a new war - Spatial War
Government Priorities:
Armenian delegation pushing towards cooperation between the underdeveloped countries
Mentions Countries that have concentrated on weaponizing their space technology > France, the United States, and North Korea
The goal is to allow space exploration and technology growth but to restrict any threat imposed by another country.
1) Implement programs emphasized on technology, as this is what leads satellites and other spatial devices;
2) Tracking their positioning in space and
3) Evaluating whether such instruments can be considered a threat or not.


Key Points:
Seeking to encourage peaceful uses of outer space.
Promoting opportunities for new industries while highlighting lack of transparency by nations on their projected aspirations in Space Weaponization.
Aims to regulate outer space for necessary allowance of the development of research and technological knowledge.
Australia firmly believes that developing nations should not be restricted from space enabled services calling attention towards high costs of developing and launching aircraft > to space.
1) Embracing a “New Space” agenda in 2016 > Granting more than three-quarters of the US$345 billion global space economy.
2) Australian Space Agency was founded with the purpose of leading the country’s international space engagement along
3) Formed Australian Civil Space Strategy 2019-2028
The Commonwealth of Australia proposes the creation of the “International Space Alliance'' branching program of UNOOSA which will be beneficial :
1) To promote the research, exploration, and development of outer space-related affairs
2) Integration of developing economies into the space industry by allowing them access and leverage the benefits of space through two main platforms: its Launcher and its Research Center.


Key Points:
Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1957, that spread all over the world led to 2019’s ‘Anti-Satellite test in India’, a ‘Strategic Support Force in China’ and an ‘independent Space Force in Russia’
Brazil believes that it is best if delegates from different countries cooperate and observe each other to complete the task and secure peace.
Because of pressure from the United States of America regarding the demilitarization of space and a change away from military government
Established a national programme in the 1960s, a movement that constituted an organization called - the “Organization Group of the National Commission of Space Activities''.
Furthermore created a civilian Brazilian Space Agency (BEA) in 1994.
Create a unified South American Space Agency by 2025
Brazil has three plans to reduce the gap in living standards between people living in developed countries and those who live in developing countries.
Suggest setting a deadline on launching satellites for each country
Limit the number of satellites for each country
Launch a satellite that is controlled by between 5 and 15 Member States elected on 3 to 5 year terms that works to remove space debris made from space junk floating in space now


Key Points:
Cameroon acknowledges the increasing significance of the militarization of space, even in countries that would not be part of the conflict, are at risk.
Although Cameroon does not have a national space program yet, there is growing engagement in activities relating to the use of modern technologies.
In 2018, the African Union, of which Cameroon is a proud founding member, adopted the Statute of the African Space Agency..
Signed various resolutions relating to the maintenance of peace.
The militarization of space is a serious threat to the scientific achievements and the Republic therefore supports a strict ban on weapons in space
Stricter measures to secure peace and welfare on Earth.
A ban on all military use of space, including the installation of defense missiles and satellites used for espionage.


Key Points:
All beneficial applications of outer space are constantly threatened by space debris.
Strongly against the weaponization of space and willing to mediate between States with severe political relations
Rejects US development and testing of weapons in outer space.
First country to operate a domestic commercial communications satellite system.
Recognizing the posing threats in the outer space landscape, in 1990, Canada formed the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).
Considers that regulation on anti-satellite weapons would have urgently needed implications for international security.
Supports the non-aggressive use of outer space, through initiatives that suggest a step-by-step approach to address space security.


Key Points:
To try to de-militarize space would be futile, the militarization has already occurred, and has been acknowledged by the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.
China’s most important alliances throughout will be the ones who align with the interests of China and Russia
Clarifications on the difference between militarization and weaponization of space should be made by the U.N committee.
The differences with the U.S. and the border and economic clashes with India and Japan may influence China’s stance on some agreements
Lack of clear definitions and regulations on space warfare, and the lack of prevention of space debris, could result in catastrophic repercussions.
Implement manned spaceflight
Expedite the development of space endeavors
Strengthen research into key and cutting-edge technologies
Lunar exploration, the Beidou Navigation Satellite System, high-resolution earth observation system, new-generation launch vehicles and other important projects.


Key Points:
Measures need to be implemented so space does not become a battleground
Recent anti-satellite weapons (ASATs) tests from India, China and USA and implementation of an American Space Force
China’s increase in rocket launches, surpassing USA, and the emergence of dual-use objects in space supports the assumption of an arms race
Colombia emphasizes the imperativeness of international cooperation
Recognizing the urgency of addressing climate change and preventing space warfare, Colombia urges states to convert their efforts towards productive and efficient research
Actively finding solutions to encourage transparency and confidence-building measures
Held international forums on the technological progress and legal challenges in space
Ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and of treaties respecting the flow of communications through satellites, such as the BRS, ITSO and IMSO,
Delegation of Colombia suggested monitoring of space activities
Leader in drafting the program, reaffirming the need for long-term sustainability in space
Inclusion of clause III.1.4, encouraging investments in the space industry (SMEs) to benefit the economy and the quality of life
Involved in the drafting of the Bogotá Declaration, reaffirming equal access of all states to space
Universal convention on international space law (built on 5 UN Treaties on Outer Space and PAROS)
prohibit the militarization of space
outline governments’ and private industries’ responsibilities
determine punishments upon infraction
promote the usage of space solely for scientific and developmental purposes.
An international space agency with equal voting powers, overseen by the UN, should be created
free of all political influences and focused on ensuring transparent exchange of information
sub-bodies would be charged with 1) disseminating scientific and technological discoveries, 2) resolving disagreements and conflicts between states.
Inclusion of astronomy and space technology in the curriculum throughout K-12 and higher education, particularly at law schools.


Key Points:
Support initiatives in favor of disarmament, as well as regulations for military projects
Divide between wealthier and economically weaker states concerning development of space programs
Potential of future warfare arising from weaponizing of outer space
OST -> use of outer space for “peaceful purposes.” In the last decade, this directive was broken many times, including the shooting-down of satellites by China in January 2007 and India in March 2019
In 2017, the Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency, EXA was founded as the first ever space agency in the country
Launched two satellites and developed the first microgravity plane in Latin America.
Will continue to contribute to several international space missions - eg, for Spacebit UK - as the primary contractor for developing a robot that will walk on the moon in the second half of 2021
Cooperation among space agencies
Countries in South and Central America must have their own space agencies and research facilities
Restrict the construction and usage of outer space weapons
Strict regulation of existing and yet-to-be-developed weapons of mass-destruction


Key Points:
Support a strong regulatory framework so as to deter and prevent potential malicious and belligerent acts in outer space
Willing to see the highest degree of compliance possible with principles set in international law to ensure respect of international norms.
Estonia relies on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU) for its security since the 2007 cyberattacks
Estonia is currently testing with the imminent launch of its second satellite ESTCube-2 on technologies that would reduce space debris ( plasma brakes and solar veil propulsion systems for satellites).
The Estonian space strategy for the 2020-2027 period prioritizes the issues of cybersecurity, AI and e-governance.
A new regulatory framework that would allow peaceful exploration of outer space
Banning weapons in space, with the exception of self-defense.
International cooperation and the respect of international norms


Key Points:
Three main problems - space debris, political tensions, and vague use of space technologies.
Arms race is a global threat.
We support the development of space technologies such as communication devices, reconnaissance satellites, and GPS.
Ethiopia has recently struggled with civil wars and political instability.
Although we cannot send satellites to space with our means, we want to reach this technology soon.
We need serious financial support and technology infrastructure to reach this technology.
International cooperation in space programs is critical for us.
Our foremost priority is to prevent an arms race in space.
Space should be cleared of all kinds of weapons and instruments with a destructive effect.
The work of the countries with space power should be made transparent through UN agencies.


Key Points:
The weaponization of space has increasingly become an issue of concern. Disarmament and international security are necessary to achieve sustainable development.
Nuclear proliferation, chemical and biological weapons, an arms race in outer space remain critical issues
Each year the international community relies ever more on space-based technology for defense, civil, and commercial purposes.
Finland is advocating for a voluntary set of rules regarding matters such as space debris and operation of crafts or space satellites.
Regulate and control the destructive behavior of nations rather than attempting to limit their technology.
A means to monitor, adjudicate, and enforce responsibilities.
A standing committee to provide a credible, knowledgeable, and equitable forum for regulating, monitoring, and adjudicating claims and disputes relating to the damage caused by objects launched into space, whether they are designed for destruction or not.


Key Points:
One of the most vocal nations on developing better defenses in space, having announced publicly that it intends to field non-kinetic space-to-space weapons to defend its satellites.
No agreements exist today that completely limit space weapons.
France aims to improve Space Situational Awareness (SSA), step up active and passive measures to protect satellites, and create a more comprehensive set of rules that limits space weapons and promotes self-defense for satellites.
Blinding and Directed-energy Weapons in Space
Space Warfare & Space Debris
Repercussions of Space Warfare on Earth
The European Defence Fund can be used for security-related space capabilities
NATO can be used for a larger space policy that would enhance transatlantic security
Military space operations to:
preserve freedom of access in space,
discourage and thwart action by any ill-intentioned third party,
Develop more efficient Space Situational Awareness by supplementing the surveillance component by permanent tracking of space launches and objects placed in orbit.
Formulate a Global Code of Conduct for Militarization in Space


Key Points:
Outer Space Treaty only prohibits the national appropriation of outer space and the celestial bodies, which leaves open the possibility of an individual or private association lawfully appropriating any part of outer space.
Germany is committed to prevent an arms race in outer space, which has always been proven by our actions on the resolutions by the first and fourth committee of UNGA.
From 1967, Germany has been a firm supporter of the Outer Space Treaty
Reduction of Space debris - a Space Junk Mitigation System to track and regulate the space junk flow, in which Germany would share its Space Junk Tracking System.
Germany recommends to the UNSC to adopt a unified charter to prevent the unregulated use of outer space by private corporations.
Germany discourages any form of Research on Space and Celestial weapons


Key Points:
OST -> safeguard and prevent weapon use
Many countries found loopholes within the treaty and proceeded with their space armament. This raised international tensions regarding the weaponization and militarization of outer space.
Currently owning 4 fully functional satellites and cooperating with EU agencies, like the European Space Agency (ESA) and EUMETSAT, Greece made European Union its strongest ally.
Greece has participated in the Conference of Disarmament in Geneva since 1979, with no interest in weaponization.
Disarmament in outer space is a Greek ambition, but on the other hand the militarization is useful for defensive and preventative purposes only.
In cooperation with the UN, countries should explain the cause of their militarization. This way countries wouldn’t compete with each other to gain sovereignty and tend towards a peaceful environment.
Greece proposes to impose a limit in the quantity of military weapons that can be sent into orbit, in proportion to the nation's size and population. These settled limits would help to prevent problems about room for other countries and therefore loosen tensions between nations.
Monitoring movements with satellite imagery around the Greek frontier, that coincides with the southeastern side of the European Union, is a helpful asset to keep borders in check.


Key Points:
India has always upheld its commitment to the peaceful use of space
The use and deployment of space weapons in outer space should be restricted and proper limitations on testing weapons in outer space are needed.
Biggest imminent threat to the sustainability of space use is the accumulation of space debris
Efforts needed on strengthening security, regulating commercial use, and mitigating the threat of space debris
Creation of an international legal basis, and an intergovernmental organisation conducting space debris mitigation measures
Started its space program in 1969 with a small budget, managed to launch more than 300 satellites for over 30 countries
India, supporting A/RES/69/32, believes Member States should be encouraged to express their commitment to No First Placement (NFP) of weapons in outer space
Could be further strengthened with a commitment to No First Attack (NFA0
India believes the way forward is for all Member States to continue building on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS), the Threat or Use of Force against Outer Space Objects (PPWT) as proposed by some BRICS partners, and the Code of Conduct.
Member States should converge on a definition of a space weapon and what constitutes an offensive action in space
Should set appropriate limitations on the testing, deployment and use of military technologies and offensive actions in space.
The inclusion of verification and dispute settlement mechanisms and the creation of an executive body
The Moon Treaty and Outer Space Treaty should govern exploitation and property rights and should be complemented with an Implementation Authority that would oversee the fair attribution of exploration and property rights
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), will continue to play an active role in the Inter-Agency Debris Coordination Committee (IADC).
Issue of space debris can be mitigated in the short term through monitoring and passive removal, and resolved in the long term through active removal.
Encourages the exchange of data between all space-faring nations so that orbital spacecraft can be steered to avoid collisions
Newly launched orbital spacecraft should be equipped with technology allowing it to de-orbit at end-of-life


Key Points:
Strengthen and further develop the international legal base in the field of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.
Existing CTBT Amendments have direct issues preventing this paper to be ratified. These are
Indirect Invasion
Financial Issues
Parties Confidentiality Issues
Regulate the access to nuclear materials, and independent financial assistance .
FM(C)T without verification and safeguards will be counterproductive
FM(C)T is not equal for all nations as nuclear energy is used in various approaches and depends on counties development, size of population, policy etc.
Elaboration of efficient international verification mechanisms and attainment of universality and comprehensiveness of the fundamental treaties.
IAEA safeguards measures provided by both the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement and the Additional Protocol provides a good basis for the considerations of a future verification system for “banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.”


Key Points:
Given the high costs of running space programs, significant power imbalances and political tensions
Iraq strongly supports the efforts to define, regulate and prevent the weaponization of space and steps to prevent an arms race
The exploration and usage of outer space should serve only the advancement of mankind and weapons in space clearly do not serve this purpose.
Calls for an international ban of any objects in space carrying air-to-ground weapons, installing or stationing such weapons on celestial bodies or in outer space
More extensive regulation of especially air-to-ground weapons in space
Measures towards responsible debris management
Regulate military activity in space
Creating a Fund for the Reduction of Debris and the Prevention of further Debris (ReDePreDe-Fund).
Would underline these countries’ responsibility for the bulk of debris in outer space
Consistent with OST
Encourage better cross-country communication and lower the probability of the Kessler syndrome.
Could be overseen by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA)
Banning and Sanctioning the Introduction of Explicitly Militaristic Weaponry in Space that Could Be Employed for Air-to-ground Combat.


Key Points:
Space is essential for the advancement of a nation, it also possesses a waiting time bomb, that is the weaponization of outer space that leads to space colonialism.
The Republic of Ireland believes that the militarization of space should be regulated to ensure that space is being used for the advancement of humanity
1. United Nations Space Agency (UNSA): Ensuring the cooperation between states to achieve human advancement as a whole through education and infrastructure sharing. This provision also acknowledges every state's economic condition and ensures research and technology transfer in space technology.
2. Mass Destructive Weapon Prohibition in Outer Space Treaty (MATREA): The prohibition of nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological, or any other weapon that can kill and bring significant harm to numerous humans, cause great damage to the natural environment in space.
3. United Nations Convention on the Law of Outer Space (UNCOSPA): Defines the rights and responsibilities of nations concerning their use of the space, establishing guidelines for states and businesses, the environment, and the management of outer space natural resources. In an attempt to reduce the possibility of groups of nation-states dominating the negotiations, the convention used a consensus process rather than a majority vote.


Outer Space Treaty (OST) -> bars placing of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) into space and orbit around Earth
Italy has made--and will continue to make--significant contributions to international efforts toward space exploration, research, and demilitarization
Prioritizes the peaceful use of outer space.
Governance of space ought to be dictated by responsible international actions to ensure peace and sustainability in outer space for all mankind.
Since its inclusion into the UN in 1955, Italy has been active in discussions of nuclear non-proliferation.
Top-twenty space-faring nations
First ever meeting of the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) happened in Italy
Strong relationships with US, EU, Canada, and the UK
Amendment of, or the complete re-writing of, the OST
Creation and implementation of a fund, titled the United Nations Space Exploration and Research Fund (UNSERF), for space exploration and research for all nations via the UNOOSA
UNSERRF -> international cooperation, peaceability and collaboration on space exploration and research, member states to help fund the ISS and in turn, receive access to the ISS and the scientific work that takes place on it.
Any member that uses their militaries for space research, travel, and exploration must also clear up space debris
Ban outright placement of military tools or bases on celestial bodies


Japan has achieved its status within the scope of "peaceful use of outer space" stipulated in the 1967 Outer Space Treaty (OST).
Japan aims to establish general principles of cooperation in maintaining international peace and security, including the principles governing disarmament and the regulation of armaments’
Since the establishment of COPUOS, Japan has contributed to critical discussions on space debris mitigation, space application programs, capacity building, and outer space's long-term sustainability.
Japan will continue to make meaningful contributions, especially the rule-making process on long-term sustainability of outer space activities and the promotion of international Cooperation
Formulate New Treaty Regulations
Restrict the use of military satellites, especially in espionage activities, because such operations are thought to cause some conflicts, all countries that wish to develop, research, and launch any equipment in outer space will be supervised by CUPUOS
2. Promoting International Cooperation Regarding Space
Developing satellites and ground facilities for emerging countries, including ODA cooperation
3. Government Initiative for The Development and Utilization of Space
a) Collaborating with Russia, Europe, China, and India by offering cooperation in ongoing research such as the development of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and the Regional Navigation Satellite System.
b) Cooperate with and support developing countries such as, for example in ASEAN to create their research space.


Jordan supports the position that outer space is the province of all mankind, as such it is the right of all states to make the most of its endless possibilities.
Responsibility to ensure the sustainable use of outer space - unregulated production of space debris could lead to the Kessler Syndrome and end the ability for humanity to use space
Aim - Zero production of space debris. Intent would be preferable to add such a clause to the Outer Space Treaty to ensure that space will be useful for all mankind now and in the future.
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