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Do I need a physical business address for an online business?
If so, can it be the same as my residence?
If so, do I have to be the owner/renter of the residence?
If I make my business a Partnership, whose address becomes the business address?
Business License thru either;
Willits/Ukiah City if w/in limits
Unincorporated Mendo County
Fictitious Business Name
(TKCN name doesn't include surname)
YES, physical address required,
YES, can be same as residence.
NO, don't have to be owner, just include owner's info.
To apply thru Mendo Unincorporated, register as Home occupation business (not fixed location):
Standard Form
Most stuff won't apply but fill it out anyway
Might need to go thru Willits if in city limits
Fees to Apply, pay w/ separate checks:
$40 Mendo County Tax Collector
$180 to Building & Planning for Home Occupation
Most likely won't need any of the following for Home Occupation:
Land Use/Permit Zoning
Authority to Construct/Operate
Air tanks permit
Indust. Wastewater Discharge
If the business is Sole Proprietorship, what's the worst emergency I could be held liable for?
How does owning/operating a business solely in my name affect my taxes?
Would a Partnership split the liability/tax effect more ways to be less for each person?
What are the downsides to a partnership?
What's the difference between "Limited" and "Limited Liability" Partnership?
If I make the business a Partnership, whose address becomes the business address?
How are "my" taxes affected as Sole Prop. Vs. Partnership, & does owning/co-owning a business affect things like;
Financial Aid consideration for college
Employment opportunities in similar fields
How are business expenses rectified & what qualifies as a business expense?
Gas to & from Unit?
Unit rent for 'storage' purposes?
Materials & supplies (i.e. boxes, bubble wrap?)
If I am not employing anyone, do we need to obtain/comply w/:
Registration Form for Employers
Wage/Hour laws
Employer I.D. Number
Discrimination Law
Electronics Repair License
Check CalGold again.
Seller's Permit
"All businesses selling or leasing tangible property must obtain a Seller's Permit."
Proof of Residency
Don't need for Sec. of State, nor SSN. Just name & entity w/ name available to you.
State Income Tax Info
Seller's permit (General):
"Qualified purchaser" required for businesses with at least $100K in annual gross receipts from business operations; Q.P. must register w/ Board of Equalization (BOE) & report/pay use tax to them directly.
Dep. Of Tax Admin handles Seller's Permit 1-800 400 7115
Reporting Sales Tax - $800 min annual tax.
Secretary of State handles LLC's only; CA Small Businesses Div. handles Sole Proprietorships.
Seller's Permit thru SOS as an LLC:
LLC (limited Liability Corporation)
Can be one member or several, any number of which can be manager(s).
Instructions for filing for Seller's permit as LLC thru SOS:
Go to
Create new acct.
Sign up
Menu on left wall, forms
Articles of Org. LLC
If filed before Jun 30th is free, normally $70 + something $20.
12-DIG Sec. o' State [Articles of Organization] File Number would be issued.
No EID or SSN needed. Just name & entity w/ Fictitious name available to us.
Don't need proof of residency.
Limited Partnership (LP) 
A Californa LP may provide limited liability fm some partners. There must be at least one general partner that acts as the 
one limited partner whose liability nor-malty limited to the amount of control or participation of the 
limited partner. General partners of an LP have unlim.ted personal liability for the LP'S debts and obligation. 
To form an LP in California, go to log in, select Register a ausine-ss under the Business Entities -rile. 
Certificate of Limited partnership . CA LP the pronnpts to comp-Jete and submit, 
General Partnership (GP) 
A California GP must have two o' morg engaged in a business profit. Otherwise provided by law, all 
partners arg liable Antl',' and severalty for all obligations ot the partnership unless agreed by the daimant Profits are taxed as 
personal income tor the partners 
To register a GP at the state level, a (Form GP-I) must be filed with the californ,a 
Secretary of State's Note: Registering a GP at the state Level optional 
Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) 
An LLP is a partnership that engages in tho practice ot public accountancy. the practice ot law, the practice ot architecture. the 
practice of ergingoring or tho practice ot land surveying. or provides services or facilities to a California registered LLP that 
practices public accountancy or law. or to a foreign LLPAn LLP is required to maintain certain levels of insurance as required 
by law. 
To register an LLP in California. an (Form LLP-I) must be filed with 
the California Secretary of State's office, 
Sole Proprietorship 
A sole proprietorship is sot up to alkyn an individual to and operate a business A sole proprietor has t)tal control, receives 
all profits from and is responsible tor taxes and liabilities of the business. If a sole proprietorship is formed with a name other 
than the individual's name (example: John Smiths Fishing Shop), a Fictitious Business Name Slatgn•nt must be filed With the 
where the p•rincipal paace of business is located. 
No formation documents are filed with tho California Secretary of State's office Other state filings may be required depending 
on the typo of business
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