ABC Client Information Completeness
This report measures the percent of clients with missing client information. The 28+ page report assesses contact info, appearance, photo, language, contacts, documents, education, financials, health, housing history, identification, indigenous details, various factors, vehicles, and veteran details.
ABC Client Vitals Completeness
This report measures the percent of clients with missing data on the vitals screen. The 12+ page report assesses date of birth, gender, indigenous identity, citizenship, veteran status, geographic region, and country, province, and city of birth.
ABC Duplicate Clients
This report uses advanced methods to identify potential duplicates, helping you identify duplicate clients with misspelled names, swapped middle-first names, and even matching aliases.
ABC Housing History Completeness 1
This report contains a visual representation of the dates for which Housing History (or Admissions) data is present or absent for each recently assisted client. The report prompts for a single service provider and a date range, and every client that received services of any sort from that service provider in the date range are listed, along with every date in the range.
ABC Housing History Completeness 2
This 13+ page report displays useful aggregated data about how well or poorly specific shelter service providers and users are performing at collecting prior housing history data when clients present for shelter. The report prompts for a date range and service providers, and calculates how much is known about the client's residential situation since their last shelter stay.
Active Clients Summary
This report was created by ACRE Consulting to help communities understand the scope of their homeless population, in real time.
Anonymous Clients
This simple report displays a list of all clients with active Declined - Anonymous consent, at selected Service Providers.
CAEH Case Conferencing Report
This report is designed to help communities with their Action-Oriented Case Conferencing by dividing their actively homeless clients into three buckets: Assess, Match, and Navigate. For each bucket, clients are listed, along with the date they were added to the bucket and how long they've been in the bucket.
CAEH Monthly Inflow/Outflow
These reports display active, aged in, newly identified, returned from inactive, returned from housed, moved to inactive, and moved to housed, all for a single cluster for a specified month.
Housing History
Chatham Case Management List
For the municipality’s CHPI reporting needs, they requested a report that will show: The number of Goals that were closed successfully versus unsuccessfully and what the goals were; How many of these goals had a Session created and what type of Session was it; Organized by case manager as well as Service Provider.
Chronically Homeless List (Thunder Bay)
This report displays a list of all clients who are chronically homeless at the time that the report is generated, along with their total length of time homeless in the past year, and their current housing situation.
Chronically Homeless List (York)
This report displays a list of all clients who are chronically homeless at the time that the report is generated, along with their total length of time homeless in the past year, and their current housing situation.
Housing History
Client Demographics Report
This report displays all clients who received any services from selected service providers and programs, and displays age and gender, geographic region, household information, contributing factors, and income data.
Data Cleanup: 80+ Year Old Clients
This is a data quality report that identifies clients aged 80 or older.
Data Cleanup: Children at Non-Family Shelters
This is a data quality report that identifies children at specified shelters.
Data Cleanup: One-Person Families
This is a data quality report that identifies families comprised of a single family member.
First Time Shelter Intakes Over Time
This report aggregates data from the first shelter stay of clients in HIFIS, then it summarizes the total unique number of new shelter clients by month and by year.
Geographic Regions
This report shows stays plus the Geographic Region from the Housing History of each client's previous housing and previous permanent housing.
Goods Summary
This report aggregates data for goods provided in a specified date range at specified Service Providers.
Group Activities Summary
This report aggregates data for group activities in a specified date range at specified Service Providers. It sorts by type of group activity, and displays group activity attendance trends over time.
Housing Move In Dashboard
This simple run chart displays the number of monthly housing status changes to housed. Users can choose whether to include non-chronic, transitional, and unknown statuses before move-in.
Housing History
Housing Placement
Housing Placement Summary
Report that shows, for each active housing placement, the name of client, and some data about their housing placements.
Prioritization List [Brantford]
This custom report builds on the CA module, and includes some extra fields, such as: Contributing Factors, trimorbidity, current Case goal and caseworker, Family size, and approaching inactivity.
Returns to Shelter Over Time
This report aggregates shelter stay data for returning clients in HIFIS, then it summarizes the total unique number of returning shelter clients by month and by year.
Rights Templates
Displays an output of what your user rights templates are.
Room-Based Occupancy
This report is intended for family shelters to calculate their room-based occupancy rates (as opposed to bed-based occupancy rates) over time.
Service Restrictions
List of clients that have been restricted from the selected service providers.
Services Summary
This report aggregates data for services provided in a specified date range at specified Service Providers.
York Audit Report
This report allows the user to select a user and then audit that user’s actions.