. In the top right, you should see an option to Login. Click the Login button.
You’ll see a Login screen like the one pictured below.
Step 1B: Reset Your Password
If you’ve never logged in before, or if you have but you’ve forgotten your password, click the “Reset it” link after “Forgot your password?” If you have logged in before, skip ahead to
Next, you should see the option to reset your password. Enter your email address, then click Send reset email.
Next, check your email. You should see an email with the subject line “Reset your password” from Ali Ryder. Click the Reset your password button in the email.
The link should take you to a page prompting you to set a new password. Create a password, then click Set new password.
Step 2: Login
If you have logged in before, and you know your password, enter your email address and password, then click the “Login” button.
Step 3: My Products
You’re now logged in. In the top right, you can click on your avatar to modify your account, access your community, or access your courses and downloads. Click on Products.
Step 4: Download
You’re now viewing My products. Click on the name of the product you have access to to download its files.