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How to Access Coda

Accessing Coda from an Email Link

Step 1: Check your email

You should get an email from “Ali Ryder via Coda” with the subject line of the name of a Coda doc. In the example that follows, the Coda doc is called “Kenora HIFIS Workbook.” Open this email.

Step 2: Click the link in the email

The email should say something like “Ali Ryder has shared a Coda doc with you.” There will be some text below, and a button that says “Open Doc.” Click on Open doc.
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Step 3: Sign up for a Coda account

You should get taken to a screen that says “Welcome Back.” The default assumption on this screen is that you already have an account and need to sign in. But if that’s not the case, you’ll need to click the Sign Up link.
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After you click the Sign up link, the screen will change and now it says “Welcome to Coda.” You now have options to sign up using a Google or Microsoft account or other SSO option, or continue with email. In this example, we enter our email address, then select the “Continue with email” button.
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After clicking on “Continue with email,” you’ll get taken to a screen titled “Sign up with email.” Here, you’ll need to enter your email address (should be saved from the previous screen), add your first and last name, create a password, then confirm your password. After filling out all the fields on this screen, click “Sign up.”
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Step 4: Verify your email address

The next screen will inform you that a verification email has been sent. Go back and check your email.
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In your email inbox, you should receive another email from Coda with the subject line “Welcome! Please verify your email.” Click the “Verify your email address” button.
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Finally, your account should be activated and you should have access to the Coda doc that was shared with you. You should automatically be redirected to the doc.

Returning to Your Doc

Once you have an account activated, and a Coda doc has been shared with you, you should be able to log in to ( or just ) and see the doc listed under “Docs.” Simply click on the doc to open it and return to it.
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More Information

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.