Episode Management

251024 | Rob Brown

"Today, we’re joined by Rob Brown, the Director of Business Ownership Solutions (BOS) at the Cooperative Development Institute (CDI)
Rob nationally recognized expert in employee ownership transitions. Rob has guided dozens of businesses through the process of transitioning to worker-owned cooperatives, and his work has been instrumental in expanding cooperative ownership across the Northeast.
In this episode, we’ll explore his journey, the impact of employee ownership on local communities, and the innovative solutions CDI is driving to build sustainable businesses."
Rob, Welcome to the alternative exit

Interview Questions:

You’ve been a strong advocate for cooperative business models for many years. What first inspired your interest in employee ownership, and how did it shape your career path?
(Allows Rob to share his journey into the field, starting from his role at CDI in 2012 and his experience in rural economic development.)
Small Mill town, rural remote
Culture that they are a part of
Owning assets
Employees didn’t have the mindset
Ownership of productive assets
research on academic assets
They don’t have the support mechanisms
Less risk.
Bring in the
How do you educate people across the hump
Separated the
Forming and storming
Help you preserve the legacy, reputation,
Exit planning education - Introductory and basic
Fewer and people
#1 issue, they haven’t built a team. They have
EE haven’t been taught about the money
Exit planning
Educating EOs - 8-12 months
Secure financing
Post transaction support
Systems & processes
Corporation of board of directors
Mgmt training
That creates the ownership culture. it is more likely that
Culture, basket of things,
Respected, heard and matter
Systems of Engagement
Trust is a currency that is hard to earn and easy to blow
Systems that solicit feedback > considered >
Catch people doing things right, Creates striving
As the Director of Business Ownership Solutions at CDI, what are some of the most memorable or impactful employee ownership transitions you’ve been a part of?
(Encourages Rob to discuss specific cases that illustrate the transformative potential of employee ownership.)
One of the biggest challenges in employee ownership transitions is ensuring cultural alignment. How do you work with business owners and employees to create a strong ownership culture?
(Focuses on CDI’s efforts to prepare businesses for ownership transitions and build a participatory management culture.)
Seeing take ownership, they trust each other
Direct ownership is real
Small moments
electrical contractor
People can hold 2 conflicting interests

You’ve worked with both rural and urban communities. What unique challenges and opportunities do these different settings present for cooperative development?
(Gives Rob the chance to explore how employee ownership can bridge gaps between different communities.)
Looking forward, what trends do you see shaping the future of cooperative business ownership, and what role do you think CDI will play in that evolution?
(Allows Rob to share his vision for the future of cooperative development and CDI’s strategic direction.)
For business owners considering a transition to a cooperative or employee-owned model, what are the key factors they should consider early in the process?
(Provides practical advice for business owners, drawing on Rob’s extensive experience and best practices.)

Fast round
Fast round of questions. I ask you a 3 questions and you offer a quick response. Does that sound ok?
Who is the leader you most admire in EO? Loren Rodgers,
What is your favourite resource on employee ownership? Open Book Mgmt, great game of business.
Melissa Hoover, Democracy of Work
What would you say to an business owner sitting on the fence re: employee ownership. Be clear about your goals for themselves and their business

Thank you.

Thank you so much for your time and sharing your thoughts with us today.
Books -
Where can people follow you if they would like to learn more? CDI.coop, business ownership solutions
ownership transition.org

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