All you need to do to get started is punch in the Reflections you want to keep track of by clicking on one of the buttons below:
Enter New Reflection
Add Awakened Reflection
Add Backlogged Reflection
Enter Sleeping Reflection
Any time you get a new Reflection you want to keep track of, come back to this main page and add a new entry via the buttons and the rest of the tables & pages will automatically populate.
The columns/fields should be pretty self-explanatory, but just in case:
When assigning a Designer or a Source, you can start typing to have the table find your match.
An entry with Awakened? checked places them in your
to quickly filter and search for items to edit if you can’t remember which table or page it ended up on.
Owned Reflections
Below is a different view where you can easily perform quick searches of all enteredReflections (by any keyword—like soup!) as well as apply some filters (use the drop-downs in the top-left corner!).