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提供兩種下單模式,limite/market and advanced settings for slippage tolerance
下單提供1. market price → amount → leverage (with warning )→ Receive BTC數目
備註顯示 Position value 投入USDC*leverage =total USDC
附註有Position value (This is the total size of your position taking into account the leverage)
Maintenance Margin
Platform Fee (platform fee is 0.06% of trading value)

截圖 2024-01-15 上午11.01.14.png

截圖 2024-01-15 下午1.28.05.png
Positions/ Orders/ History
[l page]

截圖 2024-01-15 下午1.38.19.png

截圖 2024-01-15 下午1.40.12.png
截圖 2024-01-15 下午1.40.24.png
截圖 2024-01-15 下午1.42.29.png
截圖 2024-01-15 下午1.42.41.png

截圖 2024-01-15 下午2.30.48.png

limit / market / stop
amount (set order size)

Extra finance (看無)
single finance (看無)
stella finance (看無)

leaderboard is good
截圖 2024-01-17 下午2.42.15.png
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