How to publish a google workspace Add-ons (Google apps (Gapps) Tutorial)
Google apps (Gapps)
If you are a Python developer or if you want to develop and publish a google workspace add-ons developped with Python using the Gapps (Google Apps) module, this document is for you.
In this tutorial we'll learn how to publish a google workspace Add-ons developed with the Google Apps library (Gapps) and we'll use google mail as an example. For other google workspace products, the publishing process remains the same, but you'll have to apply the different concepts to these specific products.
Here are the different points I'll cover in this tutorial:
Make sure your application complies with google guidelines
Creating a standard project on the Google Cloud Platform
Configure Oauth consent screen
Create a Google Apps (Gapps) project
Host the project
Publish the on google workspace for test
1. Make sure your application complies with google guidelines
Here, we'll assume that our application is more or less complete and that we're at the publishing stage. The first thing is to make sure that our application complies with Google's general
2. Creating a standard project on the Google Cloud Platform
Google workspace add-ons must be linked to a google cloud project. A google cloud project has a unique ID, follow these step-by-step instructions to create a google cloud project with a unique ID:
2.2 Fill in this form with the required information, then click on create
Project created with success
Overview of the new project
3. Configure Oauth consent screen
As your add-on will be linked to a Google product, the user must be informed and agree to the add-on having access to some of this data. The Oauth consent screen lets the user know what data the add-on will access if he or she authorizes it. Here's how to set up the consent screen
3.1 On your project overview page, click on APIs and Services and then on Oauth consent screen.
setup a consent screen
3.2 Choose whether your application will be Internal (private) or External (public)
If you want your application to be private, you can choose internal, limited to your organization. But if you want it to be public, you can choose external, so that anyone can install it.
3.3 Once you've chosen the user type, click on create.
In this tutorial, we've chosen the external option.
3.4 App registration
For this step, we will provide information about our application, such as the application name, the developer's e-mail address, app logo etc...
Note: fields marked with a red star * are mandatory.
not mandatory but recommended
Enter the developer's contact details, such as e-mail address, then click on "SAVE AND CONTINUE" to move on to the second step.
Add scopes
Choose scopes
Add manual scoops
after selecting and / or filling in the scopes manually, click on the update button to update.
the apps scopes
After updating the application fields, scroll down and click on the SAVE AND CONTINUE button to move on to the next step.
3.6 Add testers
This step involves adding the users who will be testing the application. This user must have a Google account. The aim of the test is to ensure that the application works as expected.
When you've finished adding all your testers, click on the SAVE AND CONTINUE button to move on to the final step
3.7 This step is just a summary of all the other steps. If you wish to modify any information, click on the EDIT button.
If all is well and you have no changes to make, click on the BACK TO DASHBOARD button to go to the DASHBOARD.
At this stage, don't click on "PUBLISH APP" yet. Even if you click this button, your application will not actually be published on the marketplace.