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Volta Strategic Planning 2024/2025
Strategic Planning Preperation

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Execution Update

Successes, challenges, and learnings from the past year

Tailored support resonating with founders and their teams
Increase in tailored support in other hubs throughout
Funding stakeholders confident in Volta and our support approach
Performance measurement is a Priority for ACOA and NS Ec Dev.
Secondment of J Curry to Volta (18 Months) to push Performance Measurement forward
AI Community Engagement growing
Launch of AI Hive (Physical desks / Resources for AI-First Startups)
Launching in Aug

Startup Accelerator / Incubator Relevance
Drastic decrease in the number of teams with traction
Teams lack product fundamentals (Customer, Product Discovery)
Teams measuring progress through local peers not global competition
Support organizations collaboration is low, emphasis on running programs

Learning Milestones
Mindset Validation is key to supporting the right founders
Validation of start ups claims on progress was not done in an objective way
Increased QA of growth coaches needed

Startup Success

Refined Ideal Founder Profile (Ideal Founder Fit)
Commitment to Market Driven Experimentation
Reducing Residency to 50 teams
Traction Acceleration Tools Developed
Customer Discovery Execution & Analysis (Disco)
Non Dilutive Funding and Support Program Discovery - (Founder First)
Automated Non-Dilutive Funding Proposals (Atlas)


Power Crew - Focus on Partner Success (Engagement & Renewal)
Increase of Network Members
Increase dedicated office rentals (Optimizing for Residents)


Gen AI Meetup - Monthly recurring
Product Meetup - Monthly recurring
YPO Style Peer Groups - Not started

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