Read our story here

CCHub, ó wà!

Ours has been a journey of its own kind, literally. The engines of our bus roared to life unnoticed once we exchanged glances at a tech meetup called Usable. I was teaching a class while she listened with a type of attention I had not seen in a while. Afterwards I said hello, and although it took 6 months later before I told her “I think we have got great chemistry” and she ghosted me for weeks before eventually saying yes, the journey of a lifetime we are on right now began right there at CCHub, Yaba.
— Victor

Switching lanes

I was adjusting to my career switch from accounting to product design. He was moving his team from Ibadan to Lagos and they were establishing themselves. At the same time, Lagos was adjusting to social distance during the lockdown. In the midst of all that change, we found love. I attended this talk and this young man was sharing some insights on design I had never paid attention to. I was glued, and he noticed. After the talk, I wanted to check his height if I wasn’t taller than him. He claims that means I was in love on the spot. I never admit that 😃. We became the perfect fit and influenced one another in so many ways in a very short time. I picked up gym workout from him while he started to meditate based on my influence. I became more business-savvy while he got even closer to the Lord. I found more calm from him in situations while he picked more persistence from me. “Onike doesn’t take no for an answer”, he says, and together we have forced open doors that appeared to be closed.
— Onike

Influencing ‘us’

I was all about business and didn’t pay enough attention to myself. She began with smell, introducing me to the world of scented candles. Then she went to fashion. I was the black shirt, black jean tech bro. She brought colour into my life, and that is true for both my wardrobe and my life overall. And this went across other areas from interior design to food, lifestyle and very importantly, faith. Yes, she praises my influence from a business, leadership and design point of view, but she has impacted me more, on the most important matters of life. She sowed the seed for us to become more mindful and intentional with our lives. And she created the identity of “us”. She would say “there is me, there is you and there is us — we need to also nurture us”. I am so grateful that I met her and what we have ahead of us is a beautiful family that will, like her name ‘Onikepo’ means — bear and share a lot of love 💛
— Victor

Together, let’s go fa 🚀

We believe... we know for sure that our meeting was not a coincidence. We were made to meet, to make one another better, and to shine bright our love, for ourselves and for the people around us. From the first day we met, we became one in our desires and purpose. Destiny already waited, we only had to walk in through those doors. Now as we formally become one with the blessing of a priest and the stamp of a registrar, we are happy to have the presence and smiles of our loved ones as we kick off this journey that will take us far and wide, deep and thorough, as we fulfill our dreams and live out our purpose to bear and share true, unconditional love. The journey is ours, but you will be on the bus with us too, in person at our joining and the many celebrations to come, and in spirit forever after.
The engines of the bus roars again, grrrrmmmm... are you ready? #LetsGoFa.
— Onike and Victor
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