
icon picker

1. Never Use Slider Control or Angle Control to Change Colors

Sometimes you may want to allow the user to change only the hue, saturation or brightness of a color and not all three at once.
When this is the case, you should still use a Color Control since it’s more intuitive for users to pick from a color picker, rather than a or .
You can use expressions to modify the hue, saturation or brightness, as shown in the code example below.
Alternatively, you can use the Hue Color script from or .

// Convert RGB to HSL
let hsl = rgbToHsl(inputColor);

// Example: Set HUE to 30 degrees
hsl[0] = 30;

// Example: Lower saturation for 50%
hsl[1] *= 0.5;

// Example: Increase brightness for 100%
hsl[2] *= 2;

// Convert back to RGB
let rgb = hslToRgb(hsl);

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