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Passion Score

Working on a product/project can be daunting. Let’s make sure you can get through the tough times by calculating things first. If you don’t have enough passion, don’t start.

Industry Interest

How much interest do you have in the problem? How much interest do you have in the potential customers? How much passion is there for you in the communities?

Work Load Required

What is the anticipated work-load required to gain this off the ground to profit? Once profit, is there an anticipation of automation or delegation to minimize load required?

Passion for the Solution

Separate from the actual industry, how much passion do you have for the solution? Are you solving your own problems or close networks?

Revenue Potential

Based on the TAM and research, is there a strong potential for buyers? Is this a $5/mo product or $500/mo product? Can you acquire enough customers based on the price value?

Start Up Requirements

Is this something you can build yourself? Can you keep costs low by outsourcing? Can you get an MVP out to validate and stay lean?

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