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Why Eat Stop Eat and More Brad Pilon Bestsellers is the Best Solution for Frustrating Diet Plateaus

Last edited 1 hour ago by Trust Reviews
Hey everyone, I just wanted to share my experience with Eat Stop Eat and a few of Brad Pilon’s other books because, well, they seriously helped me break out of a weight loss plateau that I was stuck in for MONTHS. 😫 If you’ve ever been in that frustrating place where you’re doing everything right—counting calories, hitting the gym, eating “clean”—and nothing is changing, I feel you. It’s demotivating, right?

My Honest Experience with Eat Stop Eat (And Why It’s a Game Changer)

To give you some context, I was super skeptical at first. I mean, “Intermittent Fasting” sounds a bit like one of those trendy buzzwords that promises to magically melt fat, and I wasn’t about to waste my time on something that’s just hype. But I kept seeing Eat Stop Eat pop up in forums, Reddit threads, and even from fitness YouTubers I respect. So, I thought, “Okay, what do I have to lose? Except maybe a few pounds.” 😅
Turns out, Eat Stop Eat is more than just “skipping meals”. Brad Pilon, the guy behind it, explains everything in a way that just makes sense. It’s based on real science (he even cites over 300 peer-reviewed studies!), and it’s all about resetting your body’s fat-burning mode without torturing yourself with endless food restrictions. Basically, it uses intermittent fasting to boost your metabolism and preserve muscle—so you’re not just losing weight, you’re losing fat. 🔥

What I Liked the Most: Freedom and Flexibility

I’m not going to lie—I love food. And one of the things that drove me nuts about other diets is feeling guilty every time I indulged in a burger or pizza. With Eat Stop Eat, there are no “good” or “bad” foods. Brad’s whole philosophy is that you can eat what you like on non-fasting days without worrying about ruining your progress. (Yes, really!) 🙌
For me, that was a huge mental shift. It made sticking to the plan so much easier because I wasn’t constantly battling cravings or feeling deprived. It’s just two 24-hour fasts a week. That’s it. The rest of the time? Eat normally. No guilt. No stress.

Where Eat Stop Eat REALLY Made a Difference for Me

I started noticing changes around week three. My weight finally started to budge (goodbye, plateau! ✌️), but more than that, I just felt… better. I had more energy, my focus was sharper, and I wasn’t obsessing over food all the time.
The biggest surprise, though, was how easy it became. I thought fasting for 24 hours would be torture, but after a couple of weeks, it was no big deal. I just planned my fasting days for when I was super busy, and before I knew it, I was at the 24-hour mark. 🕐

What About the Other Books? Are They Worth It?

Short answer: Yes—if you’re into self-improvement. 💪
Besides Eat Stop Eat, I also picked up Brad’s other bestsellers like The Fasting Cheat Sheet and How Much Protein?. They’re not required reading to get results from Eat Stop Eat, but if you’re like me and love understanding the “why” behind stuff, they’re gold.
For example, How Much Protein? debunked a lot of myths I’d bought into about protein intake (spoiler: you don’t need as much as you think!). And The Fasting Cheat Sheet is just a great quick reference for anyone getting started with intermittent fasting.

Are There Any Downsides? 🤔

Okay, so nothing’s perfect, right? I have to mention a couple of things:
The First Two Weeks Are Tough: I’m not going to sugarcoat it—the first couple of fasts were hard. My brain kept screaming, “Eat something!” 🥐 But Brad covers this in the book and gives some practical tips to push through. Just be prepared for a little bit of an adjustment period.
Social Eating Can Be Tricky: If your fasting day falls on a day when friends want to grab dinner, it’s a bit awkward. I usually just shifted my fast to another day, but I could see this being annoying for some people.

Final Thoughts: Is It Worth It?

Absolutely. 💯 If you’ve been spinning your wheels with traditional dieting and still not seeing results, Eat Stop Eat might just be the reset you need. I know it was for me. And it’s not just about weight loss—it’s about feeling more in control, ditching the “diet” mindset, and finding something sustainable.
If you’re on the fence, give it a shot. There’s a 60-day money-back guarantee, so if you hate it, no harm, no foul. And hey, if you do decide to try it out, here’s my affiliate link: . (Yes, it’s an affiliate link—so if you use it, you might get a small discount, and it helps me keep sharing stuff like this!)
Let me know if you have any questions or need advice on getting started! 😊
@josealves_1995 ​Just a regular guy who finally ditched dieting and figured out what actually works.
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