Global Program

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Action Phase 1

Analyzing Ecosystems with Data & Rigor

Last Delivered: Cohort 7 | November 1, 2019 - October 20, 2020


In Action Phase 1: Analyzing Ecosystems with Data & Rigor, MIT REAP Teams leverage the knowledge gained at Workshop 1 around the MIT REAP “3S Model” (System - Stakeholders - Strategy) to conduct a deeper analysis of their regional ecosystems. They engage in both bottom-up (primary market) and top-down (existing data collection) research to better understand their region’s I-Cap and E-Cap and identify weaknesses as well as comparative advantages. Teams continue to evaluate their stakeholder network and necessary stakeholder engagements, all toward the effort of building their MIT REAP Strategy.
Develop a deeper understanding of needs of entrepreneurs and risk capitalists (in different sectors, stages of development, and experience levels) in teams’ regions through effective and thorough primary market research (PMR) techniques - including a survey, interviews, and focus groups
Evaluate and refine MIT REAP Core Team and MIT REAP Network. Further define who is necessary to engage before Workshop 2 to ensure teams’ long-term success
Further analyze regions’ I-Cap and E-Cap through data collection and analysis. Develop a better understanding of what challenges teams want to address and fold this into their MIT REAP Strategy
Assignments Overview
Assignment Details

AP1 Readings

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