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TraceGains Overview

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TraceGains Glossary

Attribute: An Attribute is a characteristic of an Item. Attributes are typically grouped into various buckets: Physical, Chemical, Micro-biological, Organoleptic, Granulation, Process, Other. There is no limit in the TraceGains system to the number of Attributes or different Attribute Group types. Values for an Attribute may be numeric, alphanumeric (string), date, or DERIVED.
Broker: An independent legal entity who acts as an intermediary between a buyer and a seller.
This location type is to be assigned to a supplier that is the primary buyer/seller for other manufacturers and is more commonly associated with overseas manufacturers.
CAR: Corrective Action Report
COA (Certificate Of Analysis): Tested characteristics of this shipment of the Item
Co-packer: A contract packer, contract packaging, co-packer, co-man, and contract-manufacturer is a company that manufactures and packages foods or similar products for their clients.
Commodity Supplier: A supplier that only sells raw material or primary agricultural products
This location type is to be assigned to a supplier that only sells the following items: Raw Eggs and Fluid Milk. A supplier cannot be assigned this location type if they also sell other finished goods.
Dashboards: Available on any other Tab's grid-page
Discoverability: Visibility of a data-record or other data in TraceGains system
Document: A record type that manages supporting information related to other records in your system.
eBlast: The ability to send multiple eNotifications to multiple Suppliers/Users at one time
Formula: Comprised of Item definitions, Recipes, and sub-Recipes
GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice
GFSI: Global Food Safety Initiative
Intellectual Property: Information that is not generally known to the public; confers economic benefit on its holder because the information is not publicly known; and where the holder makes reasonable efforts to maintain its secrecy.
Item: Raw Material that Arrives at your location to be handled/processed by your location. An Item may also be called an “Ingredient” when it is a Raw Material. An Item may have one specification which consists of business rules for one or more Attributes.
Item ID: A unique identifier that usually represents the SAP Material Number
Manufacturer: A supplier that manufactures finished goods. This location type is inclusive of both foods & non-foods.
Office: A location in which business, clerical, or professional activities are conducted. This location type is to be assigned to offices only and is primarily captured in TraceGains for contact information purposes. No items may be associated with this location.
PostOnce: Sends a document to all requesting and connected Customers when a Supplier uploads the document once into their Supplier Group
Proprietary Information: Confidential or proprietary information, knowledge or data concerning a supplier’s secret formulas, processes, and methods used in production. It can also include a company's business and marketing plans, salary structure, customer lists, contracts, and details of its computer systems.
Role: A set of your employees who use TraceGains for particular tasks
Specification: A record type that manages the required composition, production, and/or packaging details of a particular material or finished good
SKU (Stock Keeping Unit): A distinct type of Item such as a product or service, and all Attributes associated with that Item type. For a product, these Attributes could include manufacturer, description, material, size, color, packaging, and so on.
Supplier Compliance: Refers to the process of insuring that your vendors have the requisite certifications, insurance, and authorizations to provide you with goods or services
Supplier ID: A unique identifier that usually represents the SAP Goods Supplier ID
Supplier Part Code: The Supplier’s internal part code for the item they are providing to their customer, the TraceGains customer.
Supplier Group: TraceGains encourages all customers to group similar Suppliers into a Supplier Group (e.g., flour, sweetener, oil, etc.). A second definition of Supplier Group is a supplier-managed list of supplier employees and their responsibilities. Supplier Groups are a cornerstone of the TraceGains network.
System Tabs: Found near the top of most pages in the system. Tabs include such headings as:
TraceGains Network: A collection of Supplier Groups.
Tracestation: "Expanded" view of the data contained in a chosen grid-record.
Warehouse: A location where raw materials or finished goods are housed before their distribution for sale. This location type is to be assigned to warehouses only and is primarily captured in TraceGains for contact information purposes. No items may be associated with this location.
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