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Tokens using Dashboard

Creating Tokens using the Dashboard

Are you ready to explore Solana’s new token standard? We support two Token Extensions within our Developer Dashboard. We power both the Non-Transferrable and Metadata Extensions. You are able to drop these Tokens into individuals wallets upon creation. What are some of the use cases for these type of Token Extensions? Let’s check them out:

Non-Transferable Token Extensions

External Databases & Non-Transferable NFTs: Manages databases and creates permanent, non-transferable tokens for credential verification.

Metadata Token Extensions

On-Chain Payroll, B2B, Treasury: Automates salaries, streamlines B2B payments, and improves treasury management.
Royalties & Publisher Fees: Enables automatic royalty payments and publisher fee collection.
Subscription Services & Asset Updates: Automates subscriptions and updates real-world asset tokens in real-time.
KYC, Token Access & Compliance: Facilitates KYC verification, exclusive access for token holders, and stablecoin compliance.
Token Verification & Receivables: Ensures token authenticity and manages accounts receivable efficiently

Managing Tokens using the Dashboard

[see airdrop]

So you’re ready to airdrop and create experiences using your tokens? Let’s dive into some of the optionality that we give you within our dashboard. You can do a ton of things like:
Managing & Dropping
Snapshots of Holders
Create Shop Whitelist
Create Targeted and segmented Mass Airdrop
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