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Underdog Protocol Memo🐶
Underdog - Making the shared data layer valuable

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The Story

Web3 Dapps & experiences really suck. Users don’t find value in the experiences that are currently being built on various Blockchains. Reasons include:
There is currently little data on-chain or platform about their activity or engagement so platforms and communities are unable to personalize usage like users are accustomed
Most of user data (and user identity) is in walled gardens of web2 with little to no-ways of being used in a composable and user focused way
Composability, the killer use case for crypto has yet to be unlocked due to a lack of data and resources
Communities, protocols, and developers are starting to understand the necessity of connecting web2 data, on-chain in order to create valuable products for Users. Additionally - we’ve seen a rise of NFTs in both popularity and enterprise adoption. These have been tests for various mass adoption use cases around ownership through collectibles, rewards + loyalty through NFTs, and research purposes of storing data.
NFTs are coming.


Communities and developers lack tools and resources to utilize with digital assets:
Teams like Solana Mobile spend time + resources to create a management system for their NFTs: 3 months + 3 Engineers ($50K-$250K per person)
Teams want to create unique experiences for their users but are unable due to a lack of high-value data, on-chain
Without this data & tools - communities & companies are facing low engagement & high churn within their projects.


1. There will be an increase in demand for web2 integrations on-chain specifically in ways that are easy to integrate and operate. This will lead to an expectation of no-code & low-code solutions.
2. NFTs will be the way to capture data that lives both off and on-chain since it’s a. most accessible and b. easiest to read leading to enterprise adoption and novel use cases

Market + Competition


Focused on data brought on-chain from current segments gives a reasonable market of $1.3B, if we grow segments and open that data for access, we can grow to a $2.8T.
API Focused + Dynamic NFTs
Platform Based + Dynamic NFTs
API Focused + Static NFTs
Platform Based + Static NFTs
Underdog Protocol
Collab Land
Passage Protocol
There are no rows in this table

Go-to-Market for API

Community Building / Content Marketing - Sponsoring hackathons, community ambassador programs, and community-driven content that showcases the product plus its various use cases such as case studies, workshops, and our documentation.
Partnerships - Collaborating with large communities and startups to create whitelabel solutions and drive adoption, starting with partnerships at a large scale and then expanding to solo developers within the community. Examples of these so far are: Superteam, Solana Mobile, and Parcl.
Outbound & Inbound Sales - Building relationships and out-bounding directly with potential customers, educating them about the API and how it can benefit their projects or businesses. This can be focused on Web2 Startups and complicated startups in Web3.

Go-to-Market for Protocol

Verticalization of the API - Find niches to build tools utilizing our API to provide value to builders + projects (ie: Dust)
Pay As You Go Pricing
Legacy Subscription Pricing
Note: Legacy Subscription Plan is for wexisting customers & enterprise customers ONLY.

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