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Intempt's Employee Handbook

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What can Intempt do?

There’s a lot Intempt could improve and we’re working on that. The fact that we are a fast-paced startup with an aim to deliver the highest quality product to our customer is not something that will change any time soon. This also means that we are facing a runway, which affects our everyday work. This is fuelling us to go the extra mile, but the downsides are also obvious.
So what can Intempt do?

Voicing vision & mission more: everybody should feel connected to where Intempt is going and why. Talking about this more will help everybody align. This way everybody has more influence on the direction and it is more clear why a change of direction is made and how this affects your work.
Open channels: work on transparency and trust: everybody should be able to speak up if they feel that the stress level is too high. Also when someone feels like they aren’t in the right role or simply doing work they don’t love everyday.
Build an environment which is less stressful. This piece is step 1 on this point. Notice when people work too much. Tell people if we notice it and tell them to take action (have a break, take holiday, work less, talk to someone). Let’s also keep improving the process we have in place for when people feel it’s too much.
Keep jobs fun: Intempt has the unique opportunity to let people work on things they love and are good at. We have to make sure that we guard that. Roles will evolve and let’s keep an eye out for people growing in a direction they might end up hating.
Educate: we should include this topic in the first month (onboarding) and help people regulate their work even more. For example the Getting Things Done method. It wasn’t made to get people to work harder and more, it was made to get people to work better and feel less stressed. Within Intempt it can be hard to regulate yourself. We need to be able to help people who struggle with planning, prioritizing, saying no and setting boundaries.
Feedback and praise: keep working on the feedback cycle and don’t forget to include praise. Let’s also work on making sure everybody knows what is expected of them.
Create awareness within teams and team leads:
Are you giving regular feedback?
Are you giving praise?
Are you actively challenging your team?
Are you listening to what they want and are you voicing that to others?
Are you involving your team in the Intempt mission (is it clear)?
Is your schedule (and that of your team) in a healthy rhythm (work-life balance)? You set the example.
Is your team taking regular holidays/long weekends?
Here’s an article about how to help your team with this:
Look out for each other: there is no official peer program (not yet), so we have to look out for each other. Ask each other questions and be candid to each other if you hear red flags.
Hiring: we should keep hiring great, talented people who will give us energy, ideas and of course are fun to work with.

That’s it folks. Let’s get this conversation going.
If you are struggling with this now (try the self test) and you recognize the symptoms you might have read in the articles: let us know. Talk to someone. We can help.

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