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Intempt's Employee Handbook
Intempt Social Code

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General disciplinary measures

Our Social code is crystal clear and very easily to follow. However, we also want to be clear about the consequences if for any reason you fail to follow the rules:
Verbal warning. When we find it necessary to formally give you a warning. It might be a minor violation or your first time.
Official written warning. You will receive an official written warning for any serious breach of Intempt social code. This also applies when you already have had a maximum of two verbal warnings and your behavior hasn't improved. After 1 official written warning, we will move on to more serious measures like suspension or termination.
Suspension. This happens when you have committed a very serious offense, or when we need time to investigate a case. Your access to Intempt will be temporarily revoked until it's clear whether and which measures should be taken.
Termination. When the violation is of a very serious nature. These violations are most of the time determined by law and because of the severity of the act, we can terminate your contract immediately. Or, after an official written warning.

When do we apply these measures

When we apply a measure, which measure we apply, and how long we apply it always depends on the situation and severity of the violation.
Any form of harassment including bullying, intimidation, malicious gossip and victimisation of your colleagues, either inside or outside of the office.
Any form of , inside or outside of the office.
Any use of drugs and alcohol during work.
Use of drugs during Intempt outings and events, inside or outside of office barriers.
If you show any unacceptable behaviour towards our guests.
Stealing and fraud.

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