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Intempt's Employee Handbook
Intempt's Employee Handbook

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Expectations at different levels

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Because writing down what we expect from people will make it easier for everybody to know how they are doing and what they could do to get to the next level. It also helped us reduce the complexity of the review form and it will make giving feedback easier.
How do I use it?
Take a look at the
Go to the tab (below) with your role (or something related)

Scroll through the different areas (responsibilities, drive and fit). Drive and fit are the same for everyone. Work is specified per role or discipline.
Per area (responsibilities, drive, fit), we came up with really concrete traits (skills, knowledge or behavior). This covers roughly 80%, so feel free to use traits that are not on this list.
We defined what progress would look like on that specific trait. This isn’t a way of defining seniority per se, you can be a ‘level 3’ on one point and ‘level 1’ on the other.
This will help you to know where you stand in a certain area and it’s now easier to define the steps you can take to improve this.
For example: If you got the feedback that drive is something you can work on, you are now able to make it more specific by looking at what drive actually means. Is it in the area of ‘Speed = habit and flexible’ or is it about ‘self regulation’?
We think it will help, but please let me know if that is the case. Really this is up for debate and it should help us get to the overall goals faster. So play around with it and let me know what you think.

As said we came up with 3 categories: responsibilities, drive and fit. We also use these categories during the hiring process. It's not perfect but it helps us review ourselves and our colleagues. It’s no surprise, then, that we also use it during the feedback cycle. Responsibilities is specified per role or expertise. It should cover ~80% of the tasks, skills, knowledge and responsibilities. Drive and Fit are the same for everyone for now. Drive is about grit, motivation, eagerness, proactiveness, a way of working and a certain mentality and mindset. Fit is about your DNA matching Intempt DNA and actively working on keeping that match so we stay aligned.
To help people grow, we pinned down what we believe growth would look like in a specific area or trait. This will help with giving, receiving and processing feedback.

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@2023 Intempt



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