Is every country taking its fare share? Use normative data (survey) from France and the US to evaluate the fair character of individual contributions.
we aim at providing insights for a legitimate collective judgement on what a country’s fair Nationally Determined Contributions should be
Solution evaluated
Policy-oriented: we provide first insights on how citizens perceive equity rules to assess the fairness of countries’ NDCs, in order to legitimize or improve some of them. This approach could then inform other situations at different scales - how to share emissions reduction among regions, sectors, businesses and improve their acceptability
It is suprising to see that France and the US citizens have relatively similar perceptions. What are your hypothesis to explain this convergence of collective judgements?
This morning we had 4 very interesting presentations on the energy for all thematic, first by Auriane Meilland who estimate how people from different countries can value or not the different public policies that could challenge climate change. For the moment, it seems that people from France and the USA, people representative of those countries, agree on a cosmopolitan policy with a shared responsibility between all countries. As pointed by Emilie Etienne, Americans and French share the same opinion, it will be really interesting to know what it will be when the questions will be asked to Chinese or Indian, as planned by Auriane Meilland.
Paris Approach is bottom up approach Policy improve conclusiveness without mititgate ambition solution legitimate stakeholder should be determinate at the international level in both countries: all countries should tackle climate change largest favoured principle operational grandfathering No results about the share of countribution Questions during session
Is the respondents representative of the population => treated vs non treated group It is suprising to see that France and the US citizens have relatively similar perceptions. What are your hypothesis to explain this convergence of collective judgements? did you investigate whether there were differences by gender, age or other variables? (and not only the country of residence) ?