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Sales Role

As a salesperson for your cafe, your main tasks would involve promoting and selling various products and services to cafes, organizations, and potential locations. Given the scope, here are the main tasks for each area:

Job Scope

The sales role for a coffee business involves identifying potential customers and building relationships with them to secure orders. This can be achieved through selling coffee beans, catering events, cart deployment services, and pitching for locations for new cafes. It is important to emphasise the social impact of supporting ex-offenders through job opportunities and to consistently deliver on promises to maintain long-term relationships. Success in this role requires excellent customer service and the ability to align sales efforts with the social enterprise aspect of the business.

Selling Coffee Beans

Identify potential cafes and organisations that may be interested in purchasing coffee beans.
Build relationships with cafe owners, managers, and procurement teams to understand their coffee bean requirements.
Present the quality and unique aspects of your coffee beans, emphasising their taste, origin, and social impact.
Provide samples, conduct tastings, and offer demonstrations to showcase the quality and flavour of your coffee beans.
Negotiate pricing, terms, and delivery schedules to secure orders.
Follow up with customers to ensure satisfaction and maintain long-term relationships.

Selling Catering Events

Identify organisations and businesses that may require catering services for their events.
Develop a comprehensive catering menu and packages that cater to different event sizes and preferences.
Reach out to event planners, HR departments, and corporate clients to promote your catering services.
Highlight the quality of your food, customisation options, and the social impact of supporting a yellow ribbon project.
Provide detailed proposals, including menu options, pricing, and any additional services or customisation.
Coordinate with the operations team to ensure smooth execution of catering events.
Follow up with clients to gather feedback and secure repeat business.

Selling Cart Deployment Services

Identify organisations, events, or venues that may benefit from having a coffee cart on-site.
Present the advantages of having a mobile coffee cart, such as convenience, flexibility, and the ability to provide fresh coffee on-demand.
Customise cart deployment options based on the specific needs and requirements of each organization.
Provide cost estimates, logistics planning, and operational details for cart deployment.
Address any concerns or questions raised by potential clients.
Negotiate contracts and terms for cart deployment services.
Coordinate with the operations team to ensure smooth cart deployment and ongoing maintenance.

Pitching New Locations for Cafe Setup

Research potential locations for new cafes, considering factors such as foot traffic, demographics, and competition.
Develop a compelling pitch highlighting the social impact of your cafe as a part of the yellow ribbon project.
Present the business case for opening a cafe in each location, including market demand, revenue potential, and community benefits.
Engage with property owners, landlords, or leasing agents to discuss lease terms, rental rates, and any necessary renovations or permits.
Negotiate lease agreements and terms that are favorable for your cafe.
Collaborate with the operations team to ensure a smooth transition and successful opening of new cafes.

In all these tasks, it's important to align your sales efforts with the social enterprise aspect of your cafe, emphasising the positive impact of supporting ex-offenders through job opportunities. Building relationships, providing excellent customer service, and consistently delivering on your promises will be key to your success as a salesperson for your cafe.

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