TCE Benefits & Rules

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Drug Warning 2023

While we support ex-offenders to start again, we need also to protect all the staff that have made the effort to stay by the rules. We are implementing this new section to ensure that those that have committed to restart their lives are protected.

1. Warning

This organisation is formed as a place to help ex-offenders to restart their lives.
Anyone that is undergoing withdrawals and clearing up for restart is one thing, but anyone selling/ trading/ helping others to get hold of such is not accepted.
We have mostly experienced failing and going into prison due to our habits and failures. As such, we understand the temptations and the difficulties of going through the path of Drug-Abuse.
We have an obligation to ensure that our staff are protected and are a working in a safe space, hence the following is set in place.
We do not condone any trading and selling drugs and helping others to get drugs.

2. Consequences

Anyone caught selling drugs will be terminated immediately. This is done not because we do not care for you, but because we care for all our staff.
There is no negotiation with this matter.
It is difficult for most to overcome our drug issue and we are making efforts to grow towards recovery.

3. For Who

Part-Timers | Not subjected to our rules. They do not need to go through any test.
Full-Timers | Rules applied in full. All those that are being confirmed for full-time roles will be subjected to 1 UT test. This is to ensure that one does not go around spreading this habit to the confirmed team.

4. How is it checked

In the following situations, will one have to take a test.
Time of Confirmation, one have to take a test.
Time of Promotion, one have to take a test.
Random test.

5. Who is Responsible

The team to monitor this programme is
Crossroad Prison Ministry Asia Director | Paul Tan
The Caffeine Experience Shareholder | Hue Siew Yeun

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