ACF Barista Level 1

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Trainers Guide ~ ACF Barista Level 1

” One who diligently listens to instruction for 10 years, will still not be compared to one who practices his skills daily for a year!”
Last edited 618 days ago by Matthew Poh

T11 | Trainers Guide

Coffee knowledge is a vast network of information. To help students appreciate the whole nature of it, we introduce coffee from the world scene to the local scene. ( This is where the ASEAN countries can contribute and promote their specific country knowledge to the student. This introductions of the countries provide a possible map of bringing closer the new wave of baristas ) Singapore | Introducing ACF & SCA to the students to bring our core values and directions to lead them in the direction ACF intends. Nothing gives a better vie than a map. A map with the directions and associations between all the components within the structure, and in our context, the map of our Logo. ” ~ Whitney Huston

T12 | Trainers Guide

“Coffee-Bean”, whether existentially or a metaphorically, have a job to seed. To seed the dependency of humans on his potent formula C8H10N4O2 and to seed the unique and specialised knowledge for the students to craft an educated future.
To a certain extend, Coffee and Humans existence have an intricate connection both as species serving a function within the 2 of the 5 perpetual kingdoms on earth. Kingdom animalia. Kingdom plantae This is the section to bring the students to appreciate the BEAN itself. Not just an appreciation of the physical & chemical properties but also the intricate process needed to prepare the bean.

T13 | Trainers Guide

Coffee appreciation is not just a simple description of the sweet or bitter taste. Here we explain the general concepts of appreciating coffee and its distinct flavour attributes. For a start, below are the first 3 classifications of coffee. These are the terroir that contributes to the taste and flavour of a coffee. Sponsored by Davinci

T14 | Trainers Guide

An introduction to espresso is best to start with the end, as taught by my mentor. The end here, is about the ounce of liquid gold. This ounce is the score card of our efforts, skills and knowledge fused together in the right state of mind, to deliver this drug to entice your forever addiction to coffee.

T15 | Trainers Guide

From grinders to espresso machines, we explore, expose and examine every parts. To know the construct’s strength and weakness. To understand the operating connections and be equipped with the knowledge to handle choices when they surface in-front of us.
Maintenance is by far, one of the most important step in mastering one’s skill in coffee making, hence it is focused and taught in the beginning.
”Before you learn your first espresso, learn to clean your tools.”
Your respect for the machines will eventually be the difference that gives you the edge over your competitor.

T16 | Trainers Guide

Extraction is one of the basic skill that is needed to have the coffee extracted into the cup. This is also the part where one seeking to master their skills, needs to practice and practice and practice. There are no shortcuts and the results is the eventual scorecard of the barista, in relation to the choice of bean that is available at the point of extraction and examination.

T17 | Trainers Guide

From the science of milk composition, the student is introduced into the various chem properties; from protein to lactose and how it affects the milk. With a unique method of process teaching proprietary to the ASEAN Coffee Federation, we help students to master the multitudes of variables and factors that directly affect the baristas standard of latte art.

T18 | Trainers Guide

The entire introduction module will not be complete if hygiene, service and menu are not touched.

T19 | Trainers Guide

Though all exams will bring about a tensed condition to the study environment, trainers are advised to encourage the students and to remind them that they are intelligent and possible proficient at the end of your teaching. Main objective of the theory examination is not to test nor to fail the student. This is meant to lengthen their memory of your teachings.
The training form is attached to :

P11 | Trainers Guide

Teachers can do much to create a temporary state of Relaxed Alertness by helping students experience a momentary sense of success. People in a state of Relaxed Alertness experience low threat and high challenge (Caine & Caine, 1991/1994, 2010).
Essentially, the learner is both relaxed and to some extent excited or emotionally engaged at the same time. This is the foundation for taking risks in thinking, questioning, and experimenting, all of which are essential to mastering new skills and engaging higher-order thinking. In this state the learner feels competent and confident and has a sense of meaning or purpose.
Start here for a successful and engaging day.

P12 | Trainers Guide

The main key point is to help the students demystify the espresso machine as a whole. To help them see beyond the mesmerising designs, Intelligent Computerised operating controls & the intricate maze of water boiling functions.
A joke to help them break the spell from the machine is this : The Espresso Machine is an expensive, over designed, computerised water boiler. They possibly already have one such machine in their house! 😂
Know the fact that all machines serves and provide these 3 standard functions across all brands and all make. These 3 functions with 3 basic on-off controls are; 1 | Shower-head 2 | Spigot-tap 3 | Frothing-Wand
Maintenance is by far, one of the most important step in mastering one’s skill in coffee making, hence it is focused and taught in the beginning. ”Before you learn your first espresso, learn to clean your tools.”
Your respect for the machines will eventually be the difference that gives you the edge over your competitor.

P13 | Trainers Guide

Starting with the porta-filter, they need to distinctly know the following motions;
be taught the way to hold it,
the approach to the shower-head,
the anchoring of one onto the machine,
the body stance while inserting the porta-filter,
Next will be the steps in cleaning and preparing the porta-filter to receive the grinds;
removing porta-filter,
purging the showerhead,
cleaning dry the porta-filter,
weighing the portta-filter and taring it,
dose 20 grams of grinds into it,
Extraction observations from visual notes, to time derivatives, to flow consistency, the student needs to identify and understand the implications.
Verbal test can be asked on the possible adjustments to be made should their extractions deviate from the recipe norm. Let them make the adjustments and explain their logic. This will be a great way to analyse the extraction and guide them to taking the appropriate corrective measures.
Generally, they will be taught the basic skills of distribution, tamping, extraction, analysis & corrections. In the whole process, it is important and vital to let them know the reason for each step. The understanding will allow them to possibly formulate solutions when unfamiliar variations appears in their future work.

P12 | Trainers Guide

Set aside 1.5 hours at least for this segment.
Teach them to understand that the hand is not a good measurement of temperature. A few seconds off, will have milk that is 8° off. They need also to know that the hand measurement of temperature will always be inconsistent and unreliable. Teach them to appreciate the tools.
Frothing Pitcher
“You can choose to look professional using your hands as a thermometer delivering occasional consistency, or you can choose to be a professional using the real thermometer, delivering high and accurate consistency.”
Exercise 1 TIMING | water |
trains the mental note of the timing needed to bring the temperature to 60°. Advise against reaching 70°. Let them froth the pitcher of water with no other conditions. Even if they make a mess of the water. Timing is the main point. Check Temperature
Exercise 2 SPINNING | water |
trains them to use water to spin till they see the micro foam. The condition when they bring the pitcher to you is to note if they maintained the temperature established in the previous exercise. Check Temperature + foam
Exercise 3 SHINING | water + soap |
trains them to use water + soap to spin till they see the micro foam. The condition when they bring the pitcher to you is to note if they maintained the temperature at the previous exercise. This time is to show them how to make the micro bubbles shinny. Check Temperature + foam + Shine
Exercise 4 SHINING | water + milk |
trains them to use water + milk to spin till they see the micro foam. The condition when they bring the pitcher to you is to note if they maintained the temperature at the previous exercise. Check Temperature + microfoam + Possible Shiny Surface
Exercise 5 HIGHPOUR | water + milk |
trains them to use water + milk to pour consistently at high heights of at least 15cm. 1st Check Temperature + microfoam + Shiny Surface 2nd Check high pour with 10-15cm above cup and without splashes for 7-10 sec.
Exercise 6 LOWPOUR | water + milk |
trains them to use water + milk to pour consistently at low height just above cup creating a ball. 1st Check Temperature + microfoam + Shiny Surface 2nd Check high pour with 10-15cm above cup and without splashes for 7-10 sec.
Exercise 7 LATTE ART | milk only |
trains them to use milk to pour consistently at low height just above cup and at the right time raise the pitcher, pushing outwards to cut it into a heart. 1st Check Temperature + microfoam + Shiny Surface 2nd Check high pour with 10-15cm above cup and without splashes for 7-10 sec.

P12 | Trainers Guide

They need to be aware that the drink they are serving is going to enter the mouth of their customer. The success of their mastery reflecting their commitment will be evaluated, hence it is very important that their hygiene, recipe & service are kept to the highest standards possible.
Failure to achieve consistency will naturally result in less than acceptable enjoyment by your customer. Something we try to avoid.

T19 | Trainers Guide

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