
Part a | Barista Lv 2 ~ Trainers Synopsis

💡 The base need for this course is to align all the trainers in ASEAN to be of a single mindset and to understand the underlying original intent of the course delivery.

1 | ASEAN Coffee Federation | ACF |

On the 14th March 2013, Singapore, the formal formation of the ASEAN Coffee Federation was completed with its adoption of the Federation's Constitution by the Board which had also held its inaugural constitutional election of coffee bearers with the President of Singapore Coffee Association (SCA), Mr Victor Mah, elected as the Founding President of ACF.

1.1 | Who is the ASEAN Coffee Federation?

💡 ASEAN Coffee Federation (ACF) was first conceived by a group of passionate ASEAN coffee industry players who are in constant pursuit of improving and developing the quality of ASEAN coffee beans, so as to compete in the world stage.
Support the community,
Build and develop the industry, and
To perpetuate the knowledge indefinitely, bringing about a higher standard of expertise.

1.2 | VISION

💡 To be the key industry representative of ASEAN’s Coffee Industry, leading the change and building the community.


💡 Our mission is to foster the relationship between ASEAN’S Coffee partners. This is done with the following objectives.
To establish a platform for common dialogue through regular meetings;
To educate and increase the productivity levels among the farming Partners;
To share updated market information about coffee on a global scale;
To share the best farms practices through implementation & certification through GAP for coffee;
To consolidate and promote ASEAN coffee to the world.

2 | JUSTIN METCALF World Barista Judge .

2.1 | Who is he?

Justin Metcalf World Barista Judge is one of Australia’s most recognised certified Coffee & Café consultants. Justin has developed programs to provide café training and to promote the specialty coffee industry in Australia and throughout the world.
He has hosted TV programs about coffee, also is a regular on many radio programs in Melbourne discussing the speciality coffee industry. He also writes for magazines, newspapers and blogs throughout Australia and Asia.
Justin was the ex-Chairman and one of the three international experts to the prestigious WBC Judge and Certification Committee.
Over 10 years at International level, has certainly left a mark in the barista profession.

2.2 | Historical Past

Justin began his Barista Judging career nationally in 2000. He first represented Australia in Oslo, Norway in 2002 at the World Barista Championship. In 2004 the World Barista Committee certified Justin as a WBC International Judge in Trieste, Italy. This was followed up with the honour of his selection to judge the final of the 2004 World Barista Championships.
In 2005, Justin became the first Australian to be Head Judge of the World Barista Final in Seattle, USA.
The following year 2006, he was again Head Judge of the World Barista Championships in Berne, Switzerland.
Justin has also judged in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Mexico, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam, Europe and Scandinavia.

2.3 | The Current Justin MetCalf

💡 Justin is now a Board Member of the ASEAN Coffee Federation, his aim is to further raise the coffee knowledge in the ASEAN region. To contribute and give back to the industry by training and guilding the next generation talented baristas.

3 | ACF Certified Trainer Agreement

3.1 | Trainer’s Agreement

A document shall serve as an agreement between the trainer and course owner as per stated in the points below;

3.2 | Singapore Coffee Association (SCA)'s Obligations

To assist in the issuance of the official accreditation status to the above-mentioned trainer. The accreditation is administered by the ASEAN Coffee Federation (ACF) and shall be valid for 2 years from the date of accreditation.
To publicise the trainer's course through SCA & ACF website as well as social media portals.
To publish the list of approved certified trainers in ACF website.
To work with ACF to issue certificates to all students once the training is completed.

3.3 | ACF Certified Trainer’s Obligation

The trainer shall conduct ACF Certification Programme (either level 1 or 2) at least once a year.
In the event, that the trainer fails to meet the minimum requirement of conducting 1 course per year, the trainer's accreditation by ACF shall be forfeited.
Provide venue & training facilities & course materials for students learning exercise, in accordance to ACF curriculum guideline.
To promote the ACF courses in the trainer's website or marketing materials.
Compile the completed student application form for submission to SCA & ACF.
Provide a list of student names to SCA;
at the earliest, 7 days before the commencement of the programme, this for the issuance of the certificate on the day of course completion.
or latest, 7 days after completion of the course.

3.4 | Financials

The certified trainer agrees to make the following payment to Singapore Coffee Association as part of the obligation of conducting ACF Certified Barista Programme.
Admin Fee of SGD$5O/student payable to Singapore Coffee Association.
All payment transaction has to be completed before the issuing of student's certificates to trainer.

3.5 | Additional Terms & Conditions

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Singapore Coffee Association against any claims, losses, expenses or damages that may be incurred by Singapore Coffee Association as a result of my presentation. In particular, I agree that the use of any materials prepared by me will not expose Singapore Coffee Association to liability for breach of confidence for infringement of copyright or similar liability. Trainers are to avoid any appearance of commercialism in their session. The program tracks of the training are an educational event, not a sales or marketing platform. Courses will be an objective review of the topic, and will not contain any content that is a sales or promotional pitch for any specific product(s) or company(ies,).
Materials will also be reflective of the current status of the topic(s). I agree that the information contained in my presentation(s) or related presentation materials (a) will be factual and not misleading, (b) will not violate any obligation of confidentiality that I (or my company or organization) has with any third party, (c) will not violate the intellectual property of any third party and (d) will not defame any third party. I agree that all feedback received from students is the property of Singapore Coffee Association and may be used at the discretion of Singapore Coffee Association, which may include but not limited to, using the feedback in marketing materials, social media and websites for future events.

3.6 | Signature

I hereby agree that Singapore Coffee Association wi11 not be held liable for any other expenses incurred by the trainer above the aforementioned threshold.
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4 | Train-The-Trainer Pathway

💡 This diagram depicts the initial basic growth of a barista aiming to be a Master Trainer. Other than basic barista skills, one have to learn to be a a trainer. One that is able to deliver effective training classes.
💡 One needs also to possess the innate desire to be a educator and to be a valued industry vessel to keep, to grow and to develop knowledge for the benefit of the next generation.

5 | General Objectives

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5.1 | Level 2 | Intermediate

Designed to test core espresso coffee skills and more advanced skills and understanding, expected from ACF Level One (Prepare & Serve Espresso Coffee).
Successful students should be able to dial in a brew recipe, make a full range of drinks with quality and speed.
Customer service is paramount to maintaining high standards of the art of being a barista.. as well as understand the basic requirements for customer service and maintenance. Course length should be a minimum of one day.

End Of Part 1

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