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ACF Barista Level 2

The syllabus guides the contents to be taught. This alignment of contents will maintain the level of standards of ACF across the 10 countries holding the rights to this course materials.
Last edited 618 days ago by Matthew Poh

1 | Country National Barista Competition

Singapore National Barista Competition

1.1 | Rules of Engagement |

World Barista Competition

1.2 MB

1.2 | Format of Delivery

1.3 | Evaluation | Scoring

Head Judge Scoresheet
257.6 kB
Technical Scoresheet
61.1 kB
Sensory Scoresheet
70.4 kB

2&3 | Coffee Beans & Flavours

2.1 Coffee Family Tree
2.2 Varietal | Identifies varieties and origins of blend used and links to flavour/body expected
2.3 Sub-Species + | Can name at least 2 arabica & robusta sub varieties
2.4 Sub-Species ++ |
2.5 Elevation | does higher elevation makes a difference to flavour?
2.6 Origin | Identifies geographic origins from three distinct coffees from different continents
2.7 Processing | Knows how processing methods affect coffee flavour and body. Identifies washed process from natural process by taste (ideally from same coffee farm)

4 | A Barista’s Map

Barista Map | Identifies the process of coffee preparation
Degassing | Identifies coffee that is still degassing by its performance and flavour
Roasting | What happens to the beans

5 | Refractometer

6 | Grinding, Dosing & Tamping

Explain advantages and disadvantages of on-demand grinding
Analysis of advantages and disadvantages ‘on-demand’ dosing – compared with traditional dosing from dosing chamber (in particular, advantages related to freshness, distribution of the doses, ease of adjustment, and that a grinder with a dosing chamber has advantages related to familiarity and price)
Demonstration of setting the dose and grind using both grinders (on-demand and traditional)
Calibrates grind and dose (on both styles) within 15 minutes to produce espresso to the required brew recipe
Analysis of how increasing or decreasing the dose effects body and flavour
Increases dose to make more solids available which may improve body, depending on how the coffee is extracted. Decreasing the dose may have the opposite effect.
Demonstration of how to make micro-adjustment to the grind.
Makes micro-adjustments to the grind quickly and confidently.
Can describe and predict changes to the coffee due to heat issues as well as predict required changes to grind size.
Understanding of the effect of heat generated by the grinder itself or other climatic and environmental conditions.
•Demonstration of consistently good techniques for evenly distrusting the dose in preparation for tamping.
•Holds tamp correctly to consistently produce a flat and even surface on the tamped cake and to reduce repetitive strain injuries. The use of ‘other types’ of distribution & tamping tools to be demonstrated.
•Analysis of causes of channeling (uneven distribution of the dose, tamping on a slant, banging group handle after tamping.
•Identifies and corrects causes of channeling

4 | Extraction & Brewing

Basic understanding of how to produce a balanced espresso and how to correct imbalance
Identifies heightened acidity of under-extraction, and heighted bitterness of over-extraction, and the balance with sweetness achieved with good extraction
Can describe how to correct imbalance by use of changes in dose quantity, grind texture and water quantity.
Balance may be assessed by discussions with student on taste of espresso or measurement of extraction percentage.
Understanding of how flavour compounds do not dissolve uniformly, and different flavours extract at different times.
Identifies (by taste & appearance) the production order of an espresso split into 3 parts
Understanding of how different shot lengths may affect extraction and body.
Can describe differences in flavour and body for 1.2 (50%EBF) and 1.4 (24% EBF) ratio shot (grams of ground coffee: grams of water)
Analysis of how different shot times may cause under-extraction and resulting changes in flavour.
Identifies and describes differences in flavour and body between 15-20 second shot and a 25-30 second shot
The Espresso Brew Formula or EBF is a ratio of the mass of ground coffee to the mass of the brewed espresso. What the EBF does not specify is grind setting and hence extraction time, like the volumetric flow rate.

7 | Milk Techniques

Understanding of composition of milk and role each component (Mainly fat and protein) plays in foaming ability, quality and stability of foam.
Knows the function of protein and the effect of different fat content.
Understand how different milk alternatives foam differently.
Foams dairy alternatives (Soy, Almond, etc.) to achieve the right texture, temperature and is aware of the limitations of foaming abilities.
Understanding of reasons why milk may not foam successfully (age, cold enough from incorrect storage, etc.)
Solves problems when milk with not foam
Demonstration of consistent milk techniques to produce the correct texture and temperature of foam
Foams milk to produce consistently high-quality micro-foam. Pours milk to achieve correct foam level as well as the right texture and temperature for the drink
Demonstration of the ability to ‘free pour’ one latte art pattern to a reasonable standard – on two consecutive drinks repeatedly.
‘Free pours’ latte art pattern consistently to a reasonable standard.

5 | Workstation Management

Analysis of the layout of key equipment, accessories and ingredients – promote speed and efficiency
Places all equipment and accessories in positions – to minimise travel, twisting and turning

6 | Barista Menu

Demonstration of preparation of a range of commonly ordered beverages to a good standard. (espresso, cappuccino, flat white, café latte) Prepares beverages demonstrating the correct method. Final drinks to comply with quality standards. Demonstration of managing a complex order of beverages to a high standard – prepared quickly with efficient use of the espresso machine Prepares a complex order of 4 beverages to a high standard quickly and efficiently – within 6 minutes.

Espresso/short black – served in a demitasse cup and saucer, 30 ml of espresso coffee, spoon, and sugar and traditionally served with a glass of water. Ristretto – in a demitasse cup and saucer, 15 ml of espresso coffee, spoon, and sugar and traditionally served with a glass of water. Long Black – served in a cup (crockery) with saucer and a single (30 ml) or double shot (60 ml) of coffee floated over ½ cup of fresh water drawn from your espresso machine. Accompanied with a spoon and sugar. Short Macchiato – served in a small glass and saucer, with a single shot (30 ml) of espresso coffee stained with hot or cold milk with a dollop of creamy foam floated on the top and accompanied with a spoon and sugar. Long Macchiato – served in a glass and saucer, with a single shot (30 ml) or double shot (60 ml) of espresso coffee stained with hot or cold milk with a dollop of creamy foam floated on the top and accompanied with a spoon and sugar.

Flat White – 30 ml of espresso coffee with freshly textured milk poured over the top and served in a cup (crockery) on a saucer accompanied with a spoon and sugar. Café Latte – 30 ml of espresso coffee with freshly textured milk poured over the top and served in a glass on a saucer accompanied with a spoon and sugar. Piccolo Latte – 15 ml of espresso coffee with freshly textured milk poured over the top and served in a 90ml glass on a saucer accompanied with spoon and sugar Cappuccino – 30 ml of espresso coffee topped with equal parts of liquid milk and textured foam, served in a cup (crockery) on a saucer accompanied with a spoon and sugar. Mocha – 20-30ml of espresso and one teaspoon of drinking chocolate combined with equal parts of liquid milk and textured foam, served in a cup (crockery) on a saucer accompanied with a spoon and sugar. #Note: Different countries have different amounts of foam on each beverage

7 | Coffee Menu/ Different Brewing Methods


8 | Health, Safety & Hygiene

Demonstration of organisational and operational policies/procedures (for beverage preparation and service, cleaning and storage) – to keep everything in the espresso workstation safe and hygienic.
Understands the cause of direct contamination in the workstation (separate clothes for steam wands, benches, milk jugs emptied, personal habits with regards to hands, clothes and clothing)
Identifies and minimises risks related to cross-contamination. Colour codes wipes and uses different ones for different purposes. Empties and cleans milk jugs between use and practices good personal habits.
Understanding of safety hazards in the workstation. Espresso machine, grinder, back flushing, spills on the floor, cleaning materials, incorrect techniques, etc.
Taking care around the grinder, the espresso machine including back flushing, chemical cleaning, leaks, electricity, correct techniques with heavy items and tamping methods.
Understanding of the importance of maintaining high standards of personal hygiene.
Keeps body and clothing (including apron) clean and hygienic.

9 | Customer Service

Implements policies/procedures for safety, taking into account local laws and manufactures instructions into consideration
Understanding of what good customer service means.
Focuses on customers needs.
Demonstration of good techniques to provide a high standard of customer service.
Greets customers appropriately. Knowledge of the coffee menu and equipment to ensure customers receive the information.
Manages orders quickly, prepares drinks to a high standard, according to customers requests, whilst maintaining communication with the customer. Handles complaints appropriately.

10 | Cleaning your Espresso Machine

Demonstration of good techniques for cleaning the espresso machine and coffee grinder. Cleans the equipment at least daily. Understanding of key problems with the espresso machine including blocked steam wands, waste pipes, hoses, shower screens, worn seals, steam pressure, basket springs, and how to solve them or who to refer them to. Solves all problems related to the espresso machine immediately. According to enterprise standards and knows how to contact a service technician. Understanding of key problems with the coffee grinder including overheating, worn burrs, obstruction in the burrs, clogged/dirty springs, and how to solve the dosing chamber, broken doser lever spring and who to refer them to. Solves all problems related to the Coffee Grinder immediately. According to enterprise standards and knows how to contact a service technician. Awareness of costs involved in preparing and serving espresso beverages (costs of ingredients) Can identify profit margins on commonly produced beverages. Stores ingredients correctly to prevent spoilage, orders the appropriate quantities and preparation techniques to minimise waste
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