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Trello Power-Ups

One of the easiest Kanban tools to get setup and using is Trello. Their free plan is powerful, the premium plans are reasonably priced, and the community has made some awesome add-ons to create an experience tailored to your team.
However, it's lacking some features I'd recommend starting with out of the gate, so here's my list of recommended Power-Ups every Trello board should have...

Calendar Power-Up by Trello

Easily prioritize cards by dragging and dropping them on the calendar to automatically update their due dates, and export your Trello calendar to third party apps with an iCalendar link.

Voting by Trello

The Voting Power-Up for Trello lets you collect votes on Trello cards from your team, customers, and community, making it easy to prioritize cards.

Dashcards by Trello

Dashcards are a new Trello card type that helps keep track of what you and your teams are doing.

Readme by Trello

Write a "Read Me" for your board in Markdown! 📝 This can be a welcome message or instructions on how to use your board for your board members.

Card Annotations by Geeksight

Card annotations utilize emojis to enable you to emphasize important information, organize, categorize, prioritize cards, collect votes on certain topics, or even share emotions or opinions on your cards.

SubTasks by Ryan Davie

Manage complicated projects by adding parent child relationships to cards. Visually track the completion state of parent tasks.

Card Size by Screenful

This allows you to set weights (e.g. hours or story points) for your cards to estimate how much work each card requires. The estimate is shown in the card front.

Card Priority by Screenful

This allows you to set priorities per card to help prioritize your work. It’s a simple board utility that is free and runs entirely within the Trello UI.

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