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Library Management System: Built Summary


Following document provides a summary of how the library module will look and feel to the user from a test case

Click on either of the buttons to jump to a preview of respective workspace

About Module

Hosting Site:
How it works:
Librarika is a web based module specifically
A single library can have multiple librarians and members without limit
To manage a librarian has to log in to given link of Librarika and process a check out or check in or add members or books
Free Library Limit is upto 2000 books (email requested for expansion for the noble cause to librarika org)
Incase extension not provided we can set up multiple libraries under one ID itself to support endless library expansion
Why its the best option:
User Interface is specifically simplified for those with minimal to none prior library management experience
None to Minimal maintenance, any issue can be solved by dedicated support team
No downloading or coding required (only configuration & uploading details)
Allows Bulk import of members (students) & Books
Easy book addition through ISBN or Bar code scanner app for expanding inventory
Whole library (i.e issue/ receipt) can be managed via phone app also
Minimal internet bandwidth usage (can work on mobile hotspot also)


This is the Landing page from where all actions can be executed, it also provides a nifty summary of whats the current usage status. From the left panel main actions that will be used are
Catalogues - For managing Book Additions
Circulations - For adding members and managing issues/ receipts
Manage - For managing settings
Sharing test credentials for exploration:
Test ID: tanvisau@gmail.com
Test PW: Test1234#

Adding Member/ Recipient

There are two ways a member can be added one at a time or in bulk via bulk format (later is more time effective) here’s a quick view of both the methods ​Member Summary Page
One at a time Addition
Bulk Upload Format
Bulk Upload Format Quick Bulk upload on guideline on how to prepare data for upload -

Adding Books

There are three ways that one can add books
Smart Add - Enter ISBN or ISBN 13 or scan book’s barcode via phone app, which will then search for book’s details in global database and autopopulate in library (therefore reducing data entry or room for error)
ISBN or ISBN 13 are numbers that you see under scanner usually one back corner or book, this number is given to any book at the time of publishing as global unique identifier, meaning the details i.e author, name, publishing year etc of this book can be identified or stored anywhere in the world with the help of this number.
Manual Add - Alot of locally published books (eg school magazines) are often not registered in global database, i.e given ISBNs or Librarika’s smart add search data base, those can be fed manually
Bulk Upload - Will be useful for first import or bulk addition or books
Here’s a quick preview of the Summary Page for Books in Library
Smart add on Computer
Smart add/ barcode scanning on app
Manual Add and all the possible Fields/ Data that you can maintain for a book (each feild has description of what it is used for in picture) Note: Except for the basic ones like title and author rest are optional to availability and preference of maintaining ​Category, Series and Tag fields allow us to build classification (which will have to be done with school teachers) ​
Bulk Upload Books Quick Bulk upload on guideline on how to prepare data for upload of books -

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