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Attendance Proxy
Mobile App Workflow Guide

Sign In

FieldProxy Mobile App Setup Guide:
Mobile Sign In.gif

Visit the Play Store (for Android) or App Store (for iOS).
Search for "FieldProxy" app.
Download and install the app on your mobile device.
Sign In:
Open the FieldProxy app.
Enter the Organization ID, User ID, and Password provided by your administrator.
Tap "Sign In" to access your account.
Initial Setup (First Time Users):
If you are a first-time user, follow the initial setup instructions.
Allow Location Access:
During initial setup, grant location access (allow all the time) for geofencing and route tracking during work hours.
Allow Physical Activity Tracking:
Enable the app to track your physical activity for accurate attendance and work tracking.
Work Tracking:
Start Work:
Tap "Start Work" to initiate location tracking. This marks the beginning of the agent's work and enables geofencing.
Stop Work:
Tap "Stop Work" to conclude location tracking. This indicates the end of the work period.
Attendance Punch:
Punch In:
Tap "Punch In" to mark attendance for the day at the current location.
Punch Out:
Tap "Punch Out" when ending work for the day. This captures the agent's end-of-day location.

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