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Attendance Proxy
Manager Web App Guide

Reports Page

Overview: The Reports page consolidates detailed information that cant be downloaded on attendance, expenses, leaves, location tracking, and employee details. It serves as a centralized hub for accessing comprehensive insights into various aspects of workforce management, facilitating informed decision-making and performance analysis.
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1.Attendance Master Report:
The Attendance Master Report provides a consolidated view of the count of present, absent, and leave instances for each day, organized based on the selected counter.
This report offers a comprehensive summary, enabling quick analysis of daily attendance trends
The report includes dates, allowing for a day-to-day reference, aiding in trend analysis and historical tracking.
2.Attendance Report:
The Attendance List Report provides a detailed overview for each employee, encompassing employee details, selfie, attendance status (present, absent, on leave), check-in and check-out times, locations, in and out addresses, working hours, total working time, and the number of customers visited each day.
The system calculates the daily total working time for each employee, measuring the duration from check-in to check-out .
This metric provides a concise overview of the time spent actively working each day.
This comprehensive report is organized by date, allowing for a thorough analysis of employee attendance, activities, and customer interactions.
3. Absentee List Report:
Comprehensive Absentee Overview: The Absentee List offers a thorough view of absent employees on the selected date.
Key Details Included: Encompasses crucial information such as date, day, employee particulars, selfie for identification, attendance status (absent), and precise check-in and check-out times.
Location Data and Addresses: Provides location details and addresses, enhancing transparency into the absence period.
Efficient Absenteeism Tracking: Instrumental in tracking and managing absenteeism effectively.
Insights into Attendance Patterns: Offers valuable insights into employee attendance patterns for a given day.
4. Present List Report:
The Present List furnishes a comprehensive view of employees marked as present on the selected date.
Comprehensive View: Presents employees marked as present, offering an inclusive attendance snapshot.
Detailed Information: Includes date, employee details, and a selfie for easy identification.
Precise Times: Captures accurate check-in and check-out times.
Location Details: Incorporates location data and addresses for transparency.
Calculated Working Hours: The system calculates the daily total working time for each employee, measuring the duration from check-in to check-out .
Efficient Management: Valuable tool for analyzing attendance patterns, aiding decision-making.
This metric provides a concise overview of the time spent actively working each day.
This report serves as a valuable tool for analyzing employee attendance, facilitating efficient workforce management based on the specified date.
5.Employee Master Report:
The Employee Master Report serves as a centralized document offering detailed insights into each employee's performance and activities on the selected date.
Present and Absent Counts: Displays the number of times each employee marked present or absent on the selected date.
Average Working Hours: Calculates the average duration of work based on check-in and checkout times.
Leave Information: Presents the count of leaves taken by each employee for the specified date.
Expense Tracking: Includes total expenses claimed for visits, offering insights into employee spending.
Distance Traveled: Measures the cumulative distance covered by an employee during all visits, providing an overview of travel activity.
Mileage Reimbursement: Computes reimbursement for mileage, ensuring accurate financial compensation for travel.
Total Reimbursement: Multiplies kilometers traveled by the cost per kilometer to calculate the overall reimbursement for the selected date.
This comprehensive report aids in effective performance evaluation and financial tracking for individual employees.
6. Leaves List Report:
The Leaves List offers a comprehensive view of leave-related details
Request Date: Displays the date on which the leave request was submitted.
Employee Information: Includes details about the employee who applied for the leave.
Leave Category: Specifies the type or category of leave requested (e.g., annual, sick).
Reason for Leave: Differentiates between casual or sick leave, providing context for the absence.
Leave Period: Indicates the duration of the leave, from the starting date to the ending date.
Approval Details: Specifies the individual who approved the leave request.
Remarks: Allows for additional notes or comments related to the leave.
Approval Status: Clearly indicates whether the leave request was approved or rejected.
This detailed Leaves List facilitates efficient leave management, ensuring accurate documentation and transparent communication regarding employee absences.
7. Expense List Report:
Expense List Overview: The Expense List includes details of expenses requested on the selected date.
Key Information Included: Features information about the employee requesting the expense, expense category, remarks, receipt soft copy, amount, and expense status.
Expense Category and Remarks: Specifies the expense category and allows the employee to mention additional remarks.
Receipt Soft Copy and Amount: Includes a soft copy of the receipt and the corresponding expense amount.
Status Tracking: Tracks the status of the expense request, indicating whether it's pending, approved, or rejected.
Status Update Details: Records who updated the status and when it was updated.
Notes Section: Provides a notes section for additional information related to expenses on the selected date.
8.Location reimbursement List Reports:
The Location with Reimbursement List provides essential details for effective expense tracking:
Employee Details: Specifies the employee associated with the travel and reimbursement.
Date and Distance Traveled: Includes the date of travel and the distance covered by the employee.
Travel Expense Amount: Indicates the amount claimed by the employee as travel expenses for the selected date.
This concise list streamlines the tracking of employee travel-related expenses, offering transparency and clarity in reimbursement processes.
9. Location List Report:
The Location with Reimbursement List includes essential details for efficient tracking:
Employee Information: Specifies the employee associated with the location and reimbursement record.
Date: Indicates the specific date for which the location and reimbursement data are recorded.
Distance Traveled: Specifies the distance covered by the employee on the selected date.
This concise list serves as a quick reference for understanding employee movements and associated reimbursements for a given date.

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