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Attendance Proxy
Manager Web App Guide



Mobile user submission of an expense or leave request, the system triggers the notification generation process.
The system retrieves the relevant request details, including employee name, request type, date range, and reason.
When any agent applies for leave or submits an expense claim, the notification is prominently displayed in the manager's notification area.
Additionally, the agent receives a reminder to claim expenses for the day if not already submitted.
This feature ensures that managers are promptly informed of pending leave requests or expense claims, facilitating quick and efficient review and approval processes.

Notification Delivery

The system identifies the manager responsible for reviewing the submitted request.
The system utilizes the manager's login session information to deliver the notification to the manager's active web application window.
The notification is displayed prominently in the web application interface, ensuring that the manager cannot miss it.

Notification Content

The notification clearly indicates the type of request (expense or leave) and the requesting employee's name.
A concise summary of the request details is provided, including date range and reason for the expense or leave.
The notification includes a prominent action button that directs the manager to the corresponding review page for the request.

Notification Persistence

Notifications are persistent within the web application interface until they are acknowledged or the manager navigates away from the notifications section.
Acknowledged notifications are removed from the interface to prevent clutter and redundant alerts.

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