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Attendance Proxy
Manager Web App Guide

Home Page

Objective: This technical document outlines the features and functionalities of the attendance management system's homepage, designed for managers to efficiently monitor employee attendance and manage pending requests.

home page.gif

Homepage Layout and Components

1. Search Bar:
Positioned prominently at the top of the homepage for easy access.
Allows managers to search for specific employees using their names or locations.
2. Today's Date:
Positioned in the right corner of the homepage for easy visibility.
Automatically reflects the current date as the default.
Users have the option to change the date based on their preferences or specific needs.
Provides a clear and immediate reference point for the current date.
3. Agent based Status Buttons:
Three buttons labeled " Agent Online," "Expense logged ", and "Total Distance Travelled" located below the search bar.
Each button navigates to the attendance page , expense page respectively with the corresponding attendance status filter applied.
Provides a quick overview of overall employee attendance and expense .
Cumulative distance traveled by all agents is calculated over the selected date period.
4.Most Active Agents Table:
The system calculates and displays the most active agents based on their presence and expense status.
Admins can choose a specific date period for which they want to view the most active agents.
5. Attendance Overview chart:
A pie chart on the dashboard succinctly communicates attendance, expense, and leave counts for the selected date, providing an instant snapshot of employee activities and resource allocation.
6.Expense Bar Graph:
The system generates a bar graph to display the count of expenses for the selected date, categorized by type.
This visual representation provides a quick overview of expenditure patterns, aiding in efficient analysis.
5. Agent Activity based on Locations:
Occupies a significant portion of the homepage, providing a visual representation of employee locations.
Real-time employee locations are displayed on the map.
Utilizes a map legend for easy identification of employee locations.
Enables managers to monitor employee distribution and identify potential attendance issues or remote work arrangements.
6. Pending Requests Tab:
Situated below the map view, with two options: "Leaves" and "Expenses."
Upon selecting "Leaves," all pending leave requests are displayed, including employee name, date range, and reason.
Upon selecting "Expenses," all pending expense requests are displayed, including employee name, expense details, and amount.
Managers can efficiently review, approve, or reject pending requests.
7. Approval/Rejection and Remarks:
For each leave or expense request, managers can click on the "Approve" or "Reject" button to make a decision.
Upon clicking "Approve," the request is processed without further action.
Upon clicking "Reject," a field appears for entering remarks explaining the rationale behind the decision.
Managers can add relevant remarks for both approval and rejection decisions.
Upon clicking "Submit," the approval or rejection is finalized, and the corresponding action is reflected in the system.

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