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Attendance Proxy
Manager Web App Guide

Attendance Management Page

Objective: The Attendance Management page provides a snapshot of employee work activity. It displays essential information such as punch-in and punch-out times, along with real-time tracking during work hours. Admins can efficiently monitor attendance, ensuring accurate records of employee presence and work-related activities.
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attendance page.gif
1. Username based Search:
This quick search feature provides administrators with instant access to individual attendance details.
Admins can efficiently manage and retrieve user-specific details by utilizing the search bar for a seamless and targeted user experience.
2. Attendance Counters:
Four counters labeled "Total Attendance ," "Absent," "Present," and "On Leave" are positioned at the top of the page.
Each counter displays a cumulative count of employees in the corresponding attendance status.
3. Search Widget and Date Filter:
Situated in the right corner of the page, enabling managers to apply user filters to the attendance data.
The search widget allows filtering by employee name, while the date filter permits narrowing down records to a specific date range.
Combined with the global search, these filters provide comprehensive control over attendance data retrieval.
4. Attendance Records Table:
Occupies the central area of the page, displaying detailed attendance records for all employees or filtered results based on the selected attendance status.
Each record includes columns for Date, Day, Employee Name, Status, Check-in Status, In Location, Selfie, In Time, Out Time, Out Location, Working Duration, In Location Address, and Out Location Address.
The system calculates the work duration for each employee by determining the time elapsed between their punch-in and punch-out times.
the location address is computed by extracting the employee's location point and mapping it on Google Maps.
This integrated approach provides a comprehensive understanding of each mobile user's work hours and corresponding location, enhancing precision in attendance and location tracking.
Provides comprehensive insights into individual employee attendance patterns.
5. Detailed Attendance Information:
Upon selecting a specific attendance status counter, the table is filtered to show only the corresponding attendance records.
Clicking on an individual record in the table expands it to reveal more detailed information.
Enables managers to thoroughly examine individual attendance cases.

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