I Will Persist Without Exception

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Transforming Problems into Opportunities

Problems are part of life. What are your three biggest problems right now?

List them in your journal. Then answer the following:
What makes them so big? Or why do you believe they are big?

What could be great about each of these problems?
List five reasons each of these three problems could be great. If one of your biggest problems is massive credit card debt, this can be positioned as a great opportunity for you. You can create a clear and measurable goal of eradicating all your credit card debt.

List a few ideas for dealing with these problems right now.

List three creative solutions to handling these problems.

Next, choose your biggest problem and the best solution you can implement immediately, and do it. Remember, during times of trouble, we’re not lacking money, time, a mentor, or a leader. We’re only lacking an idea.
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