I Am a Person of Action

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The Deathbed Exercise

Write a glowing, incredible eulogy you would like to have read aloud at your funeral. Here are some key questions to help:
What was your life’s work about?
Who was affected as a result of your actions?
Who was made a better person because of you?
What were the three biggest events that happened because of you?
For what will you be remembered?
How was the world different because of you?

Write your eulogy in your journal; then type and print it. Carry it with you wherever you go.
1. Share your eulogy with the three most important people in your life. Ask them for their feedback and suggestions on what needs to happen for you to become the person in the eulogy. Practically speaking, to make your eulogy a reality, where do you begin?
Put your eulogy into a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to help you visualize what you want to do. Your mind often thinks in pictures, and having a visual presentation of your eulogy will help you keep it in mind.

This exercise will help you clarify what you want your life’s accomplishments to be and help you build momentum to achieve them.
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