The Buck Stops Here

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Realizing Your Future Identity

Now that you have identified your Ultimate Vision, ask yourself, Who do I need to become to realize this vision?
Albert Einstein said, “A problem cannot be solved by the same consciousness that created it.” Like it or not, you are where you are because of what you are right now. As a human spirit with enormous potential, you are bound only by your self-imposed limitations.
Review your Ultimate Vision. Answer the question, “Who do I need to become to realize this vision?”
How will you need to treat other people?
How will you need to treat yourself?
What will you need to read and study?
What lessons will you need to learn?
With whom will you need to surround yourself?
What will you need to think and believe about yourself?
What will you need to believe about those around you?
Capture as many ideas as you can in your journal
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