I Am a Person of Action

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Overcoming Fear

Fear debilitates action. Where has fear hindered your progress? Has fear kept you from pursuing a job promotion, diving into a new career, going after a big account, reinventing your business, or innovating? Fear of
failure, humiliation, or making mistakes hinders our creative impulses and our ability to create extraordinary changes in the world.
Step 1: To overcome fear, we must first identify it.
Identify five places in your life and business where fear has hindered your progress.

When the tiger is charging you, two choices arise: stand motionless in fear to be mauled, or attack the tiger and see what happens. In standing motionless your fate is certain. In attacking the tiger a myriad of possibilities exist, including the tiger becoming afraid (or simply thinking you’re insane) and running away. The point is, we must push through our fears to grow and become more.
Step 2: What if fear was no longer a factor?
State an affirmative decision for each of the fears you listed in Step 1.

What actions are you committed to taking (on a consistent basis) to make your fears irrelevant?
Create a list of action steps for moving beyond each fear.

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