I Will Persist Without Exception

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Creating Your Private Chamber for Results

To employ the Persistent Decision, it is helpful to find ways to move toward your goals more effectively. For example, you may have a specific project you’re trying to plan, such as a long-overdue vacation for you and
your spouse. Even though you often think about doing this, something always comes up: the phone rings, an e-mail dings, your cell phone vibrates, your child screams for help with math homework, dinner is ready, and then you are tired and need to sleep.
Life is demanding, and it’s easy to get swept away in a never-ending sea of tasks and ongoing actions. Sometimes it’s necessary to close your doors (temporarily), shut off your e-mail program, and turn off your cell phone so you can work on a goal that’s important to you.
Select a goal you’ve identified in an earlier Decision exercise and schedule time to work on it. The time should be viewed as sacred and nonnegotiable—just like an important business meeting.
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