I Will Seek Wisdom

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Creating Your Board of Directors

With whom might you cultivate a relationship (or make better use of an existing one) to create your own personal board of directors? You may choose specific advisers for various areas of your life. Naturally, you
wouldn’t want a health adviser who smokes or sits around all day watching television. We must become masters at knowing where to seek the appropriate counsel.
In your journal, list the names of potential board members and the area of your life in which they would advise you. Don’t limit yourself to the people in your inner circle; brainstorm who you’d love to have on your
board of directors, even if you don’t currently have a relationship with him or her.
Remember, you don’t even have to tell these people they’re on your board—it can be your own little secret. And sometimes, the information you receive will be more to the point and pure without your directors being aware of the pressure of mentoring.
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