The Buck Stops Here

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Crafting Your Ultimate Vision

Many people complain about where they are in life; however, very few people know where they want to be. In the exercise, you rated each major area of your life from 1 to 10. Do you know what a 10 would look like for you?
As you’ve heard before, if you don’t know where you’re going, it’s quite challenging to get there. Or as Yogi Berra put it, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
Think about the overall lifestyle you want to create, and craft the Ultimate Vision for your life—what it will look like when it’s a 10?
Here are a few questions to consider:
What will your relationships be like—within your family, socially, and professionally?
What will your finances look like? What will your business affairs look like?
What will your overall emotional patterns look like? Will you be a master of your emotions? How will you know when you’re truly happy?
In what areas of your life will you grow the most? What will you attract into your life as a consequence of your growth?
How will you handle yourself in difficult situations?
How will you grow spiritually?
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