I Will Persist Without Exception

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Breaking Through Fear

What are some of the fears that keep you from achieving what you want, from participating in your passions?
Write down the top three fears you have about life. These fears can affect your relationships, finances, career,
or family. They can also affect your spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

Underneath each fear, write down two or three ways it manifests in the various areas of your life.
What would happen if you didn’t act out these fears? What would you do instead?
Write down one thing you would do to replace each fear with a different emotion the next time it showed up.
Are most of your fears real or imagined? The degree of risk and uncertainty you are able to handle in your life will determine the level of fulfillment and reward you experience. Would anything be worthwhile if it wasn’t tough, if it didn’t carry risks, if it wasn’t uncomfortable?
Reviewing each of your fears, what are two actions you can take in each area that would immediately diminish the fear holding you back? If Erik can scale Mount Everest, can’t you work through some of your fears by taking focused, courageous, determined, deliberate actions?
What will it cost you if you don’t take these actions? And when, specifically, will you take these actions within the next twenty-four hours?
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