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Bay Area Maker Collab Hub

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Hello makers! Welcome to your hub for project collaboration and connecting with your community :)
This is the doc for makers in the Bay Area. Feel free to share with others you think would find this helpful!
What do the pages do?
is where you can find requests other makers have uploaded
is your home to track requests you’ve submitted
is where you can track makers’ requests you’ve signed up to complete
is where you can submit a project or part you need executed by a maker who owns a machine you don’t have access to
is the hub to add your own info and connect with other makers in the community
How to copy this doc for your area:
If you don’t have a Coda account, make one by clicking “Sign Up” in the upper right corner ☝️
this doc to create your own version for your local community
Add or remove anything you want- make it your own!
Publish your copied doc and share widely 📣

What’s Coda?

Coda is a new doc for teams. Think of it like a cross between Google Docs and Excel, except you can build apps with it.

Want to print your doc?
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