Morning Journal

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Why this doc?

Many of our best thought occur in the mornings, and I try to write around topics that capture my attention in the early hours. Often I am inspired to continue a train of thought from a previous morning, or to start a new page on a related topic.
This doc is structured to give you quick access to recent topics, to quickly note down future topics for future mornings, and to tag and relate topics to one another. If you choose a tag for a topic, the “Related Topics” column will be filtered to only show topics with the same tag.
The first column of the Morning Journal is a button that fully expands the row for today’s writing,
and quickly indicates whether it is a topic only ✒️, or already in progress 📓.
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The archive button will move a row into the the collapsed Archive section below. To bring a topic back into the main view simple click the 📌 to return it.
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