Welcome to the world of Nutritional Biology, we're so glad you're here!
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This course will take you inside the mechanisms that regulate the process of transformation of food into energy used for growth, health and aging. We’ll discover some of the reasons why sometimes this energy is misdirected and contributes to development of diseases such as diabetes and cancer. Overall, we hope you’ll appreciate how each individual nutrient acts in cooperation and synergy with all the others present in food, and how our organism works with microorganisms that cohabit our body or are present in the environment.
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Objectives and Outcomes
It is my goal to:
Expose you to current nutrition research
Provide a bridge between the molecular and cellular mechanisms of nutrients and their final effects at the organism level
After completing this course, you will be able to:
Read and interpret current scientific literature on nutrition science.
Apply notions of molecular and cellular biology to how nutrients are used in the body.
Integrate individual metabolic pathways of the three macronutrients to predict how they are affected by dietary changes and disease status.
Important Information You Need Before You Begin This Course
Course Prerequisites or Co-Requisites
CHEM 241A and PSIO 380 or PSIO 202, and NSC 308 are required before you take this course. Prerequisite or concurrent enrollment in BIOC 384 OR BIOC 385 is also a course requirement.
Materials Needed
📖 Textbook (Available for free online): Lindshield, Brian, "Kansas State University Human Nutrition (FNDH 400) Flexbook" (2018). NPP eBooks. 19.