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Startup Grind

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Startup Grind ROC

Connecting, inspiring and educating the startup community
Welcome to the upstate startup community. There are some many great people and opportunities in our community. We’ve created this doc based on our experience joining and engaging with this community. Everyone’s path is different so please contribute your feedback and new resources!!!


Hello World...wait Hello Rochester! Let’s make Genesee Valley better than Silicon Valley 😜
Let’s chat! Share what you’re interested in learning more about and we can help make introductions and recommend resources.
Join our startup community slack team. Bonus: @mention Michael Thaney in your intro on the General channel.
Signup for our newsletter to stay current on Startup Grind and other local Rochester events.
We are bootstrapping this community. Want to support us by buying us a bootstrap beer? Leave a message and we’ll give you a shout out on social, in our newsletter and at our next event. This donation will go directly into funding our events and essentially buying an aspiring founder a beer (or whatever beverage they prefer 😀 🍻 😊)

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