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Collect perspectives to get a birds-eye view of your challenge
Suggested Participants: 5-7 + Decider
Session Duration: 1 hr 35 mins
Activities: 6
Outcomes: Vision, Problem Statement & Assumptions Mapped
Discovery Workshop Agenda
👋 Check-In
10 mins
Get everyone 'in the room' and ready to focus with a quick and simple activity that gets everyone talking and sets the tone.
⛰️ Vision Setting
15 mins
Get everyone on the same page about why you're here, where you're headed and what success looks like with a quick goal setting activity.
🎯 Problem Statement
20 mins
Turn your vision into an inspiring problem statement that helps your team put themselves in the shoes of the people they are designing for.
🗺️ Quick Journey Maps
20 mins
Put priority challenges into context by visualising the most important steps a user goes through to achieve a desired outcome.
🚨 Assumption Mapping
20 mins
Get explicit about the assumptions behind the challenge and which are most critical for your team to validate to be successful.
🔭 Session Reflection
10 mins
End every workshop on a positive note with an activity that helps people reflect on what they liked, learned and want to explore more.
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